Fresh Water System - Liquid Edge Hunter Charter Handbook

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Fresh Water System

There is enough fresh water on board to last for a number of days as long as it is used sensibly.
Fresh water is used in the sinks and the shower (the toilet uses salt water).
Conserve water
The boat has storage for up to 280 litres of water, this may sound like a lot but it is used quickly
unless an effort is made to conserve it. Take very short showers (wet, turn off, lather, wash off) and
only run as much water as needed to wash dishes. With careful use the water should last up to 7
Monitor water
There is a water gauge on the bank of switches, to identify the water level a small switch on the
gauge needs to be pushed to one side.
Heating water
Unless the boat is plugged into shore power, the water is heated from the engine. To get hot
water the engine needs to run for at least 40 mins at 1,500 rpm.
If you experience difficulty heating the water, the engine may need to be run longer, or at higher
Sump pump
The sump pump on the main bank of switches should be turned on when taking a shower – it
drains the shower water from the sump. There is also a switch under the basin near the shower which
must be turned on also. Remember to turn this pump off though, it can't be allowed to run dry. The
pump can be heard to run if the engine is turned off.
Shower water is discharged into the sea; any products used in the shower must be
biodegradable to protect the harbour waters.
28 September 2009
Charter Handbook


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