Electrical Power System - Liquid Edge Hunter Charter Handbook

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Electrical Power System

There are a lot of electrical items on board Liquid Edge; if they are all used concurrently then
the batteries will be drained quickly. Attention is required to select the right appliances, to monitor the
battery levels, and to recharge them on a regular basis.
Isolating batteries
There are two batteries on board; they are located under the floor boards near the navigation
table. The house battery is large and used for powering all on board systems. The start battery is
smaller and is used to start the engine. The isolation switches are under the navigator's seat.
The start battery must be turned off unless running the engine. If this battery is not isolated it
may be accidently run down and the boat cannot be started.
Charging batteries
The engine must be run for at least 40 mins each morning and evening – especially if a lot of
power is being used such as running the refrigerator or entertainment.
Monitor voltage
The voltage meter (near the bank of switches) should be monitored, if it is registering less than
12v then the battery needs to be recharged.
Conserve power
Remember to turn off items that are not critical in order to conserve power, and carefully select
those that you need e.g. the fluorescent lights use less power than the halogens.
Low voltage alarm
There is a 300w inverter attached to the entertainment circuit (under the port side saloon seat),
this inverter supplies 240v power for the stereo. If the batteries are low, the inverter will emit a high
pitched noise. To avoid this overnight, turn the entertainment circuit off at night.
Stop buzzing
On the main switch board is a switch that backlights the entire switchboard (in green). This
backlight emits a low hum which can be annoying at night, to avoid this simply turn the backlight off.
240v inverter
There is an extension cord under the seat on the port (left) side of the boat. This cord is
attached to the inverter on the entertainment circuit and can be used to power small items such as a
laptop computer. It is only 300 watt so can't used for toasters or heaters. Normal care is needed for
240v power.
28 September 2009
Charter Handbook


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