Table of Contents


System Setup

You can change the default settings of this unit to customize its performance to your own
preference. Read this section to learn how to set up the system.
Note: Set up the system while the unit is stopped or there is no disc in the player.
To set up your system:
Press the SETUP button.
The setup menu will appear on the screen. It includes General Setup Page, Speaker
Setup Page, Dolby Digital Setup, Video Setup Page and Preference Page. You can
exit the setup menu by pressing the SETUP button again at any time.
Press the  or  (direction buttons) to select the sub-menu that you want to set up.
Press the  or  button to select the item that you want to set up in the sub-menu.
General Setup Page
The items included in this sub-menu are shown as
the left.
1.TV Display
This item is used to set TV display mode.
Press the  or  button to highlight this item.
Press the ENTER/ENT orbutton to enter the
It includes Normal/PS, Normal/LB and Wide, Wide
by default. Press the  or  button to choose the
proper one. Press the ENTER/ENT button to
confirm your selection. Press the  direction button
to exit from this item.
Note: Select Normal/PS or Normal/LB when a 4:3
TV is connected.
Select Wide when a 16:9 wide screen TV is


Table of Contents

Table of Contents