Starting A Discovery Scan - EEye Digital Security Retina User Manual

Network security scanner
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Using the Discover Tab
• Start Discovery Scan
• Pause Discovery Scan
• Add to Address Group
• Scan Selected IPs
• Clear Discovered Items
The main window of the Discover tab is divided into two panes:
• The Actions pane, where you set targets, determine options and start or schedule scan jobs.
• The Results pane, where the devices found during a discover scan are listed.

Starting a Discovery Scan

Retina's discovery scan feature is used to determine if a specific IP or range of IPs is active on your network. You can
also use scan results to determine if there are additional IPs with Retina licenses on your network that you did not
know about. Scan results can provide information about an outside source that is attempting to exploit your network.
Complete the following steps to start a discovery scan:
1. Select the Discover tab from the Retina Interface (unless it is already selected).
The Discover window appears.
2. Click Targets from the Actions pane (unless it is already selected).
The Select Targets options appear.
3. You may select a number of target types from the Target Type drop-down:
• Single IP – Then enter the IP address or the name of the server that you want Retina to scan in the Address
By default, Retina displays the scanner's IP address in the Address field.
• IP Range – Then enter a range of IP addresses for Retina to scans as follows:
• Enter the start range IP address in the From field
• Enter the end range IP address in the To field
By default, Retina displays the network and subnet numbers from your PC's IP address in the From and To fields.
The default IP address in the From field ends with 1 and the default IP address in the To field ends with 254 as the
host number. 1 to 254 is the full range of IP addresses you can scan.
• CIDR Notation – Enter the IP address and network prefix in the Address fields.
For example, 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 0 5 . 0 / 1 8 means the first 18 bits are used to represent the network and the remaining 14
bits are used to identify hosts. Common prefixes are 8, 16, 24, and 32 (Class A, B, C, and single host, respectively).
• Named Host – Then enter either the DNS or the NetBIOS name of the desired host.
• Address Groups – Select one or a number of address groups to be scanned. You may also modify, create or
import address groups by clicking the Modify button (see Modifying Address Groups on page 38).
Retina Users Manual


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