Installing Retina From The Command Line - EEye Digital Security Retina User Manual

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1. Click the Windows™ Start button.
2. Click Run from the list of options.
The Run dialog box appears.
3. Type the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive.
For example, enter D : \ if your CD-ROM drive is the D drive.
4. Type R e t i n a S e t u p . e x e after the CD-ROM drive letter.
In the following example, the entire path is D: \ R e t i n a S e t u p . e x e
5. Click OK.
One of the following occurs:
• If you entered the correct path for R e t i n a S e t u p . e x e , the Welcome window of the Retina Installation
Wizard appears.
• If you entered the incorrect path to R e t i n a S e t u p . e x e , an error message appears.
• If need be, complete the following steps to display the Welcome window of the Retina Installation Wizard:
• Click Browse.
• Find and double-click the Retina Setup icon.
• Click OK when the Run dialog box reappears and displays the path name you selected.
The following example is the Welcome window of the Retina Installation Wizard.

Installing Retina from the Command Line

Complete the following steps to open the Retina Installation Wizard from the Windows™ Command Prompt rather
than directly off the CD-ROM. eEye recommends that you exit all Windows™ programs before you run the Retina
Installation Wizard.
1. From the command prompt change directories to the location of RetinaSetup.exe (i.e. CD \windows\temp).
Retina Users Manual


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