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Internal Adjustments; Troubleshooting; Technical Assistance - Mirage A-1015-G Instruction Manual


A-1015-G Instruction Manual


SSB DELAY RESISTIVE POT.......................... This allows the R.F. relay "hang-time" or
PRE-AMP ATTENUATOR SWITCH ............... Sets the pre-amp gain to full or reduced
INPUT VSWR AND OUTPUT POWER ........... These adjustments are also made at the
PRE-AMP TUNING ........................................... These adjustments are also made at the


The Mirage A-1015-G is designed for long, trouble-free performance and should not
require extensive troubleshooting in the field. Many causes of common malfunctions are
eliminated by the built-in protective circuitry.
Note: In the event of automatic power shut-down, the amplifier must be turned off and
the cause of shut-down determined and removed.
In case of difficulty check the following before assuming amplifier malfunction:
1.) Loose antenna and power supply connections.
2.) VSWR of antenna system.
3.) Coaxial cables from radio to amplifier, and amplifier to antenna.
4.) Output voltage of power supply.
5.) Power output of radio.
6.) Improper fuse rating.


If you have any problem with this unit first check the appropriate section of this manual.
If the manual does not reference your problem or your problem is not solved by reading
the manual you may call MIRAGE at 601-323-8287. You will be best helped if you have
your unit, manual and all information on your station handy so you can answer any
questions the technicians may ask.
You can also send questions by mail to MIRAGE, 921 HWY 25 South, Starkville, MS
39759 or by Fax to 601-323-6551. Send a complete description of your problem, an
explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a complete description of your
delay to be adjusted to the time desired.
factory and should not require field
factory for best gain and noise figure
performance. They should not require
field adjustment.
6 Meter R.F. Amplifier

