Series provides uniform functionality and operability as found in Sharp’s wINNING MfP ProDuCT lINe . engineered to help reduce operating costs and downtime, the MX-C312 is easier than ever to set up, monitor and maintain. The MX-C312 offers modular VAlue-ADDeD APProACH expandability, remote-access capabilities and a to network and software integration.
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ProDuCTIVITY IN ACTIoN To SPeeD ouTPuT AND STreAMlINe DoCuMeNT worKflow The Sharp MX-C312 brings fast output, ImageSeND™ superior color quality and a compact true multi-tasking footprint closer to the workgroup. Advanced and easy to operate features ® ® PostScript 3™ compatible...
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To HelP SPeeD worK, ProloNG lIfe AND reDuCe CoST The Sharp MX-C312 is designed to tri-component supplies minimize service requirements and six times higher maximize uptime. The MX-C312 employs long-life, quick-replace cartridges to Toner recycling Program Sharp help extend supplies replenishment
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PerSoNAlIzeD AND VerSATIle APPlICATIoN INTeGrATIoN Today’s multifunction products must be versatile enough to handle fast-changing system requirements and security demands. for Sharp, that’s a given—but we’ve gone much further. Sharp OSA ® technology at a glance Designed for today’s mobile and flexible workplace, the MX-C312 supports the...
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The exchange of digital documents in the Authority Group and Access Control Documents Remain Confidential 21st century creates new challenges for Confidential Printing network security. Sharp has developed an Secure Fax Release award-winning, multi-layered security system to help protect valuable Tracking and Auditing Information...
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DeVICe MANAGeMeNT MAXIMIzeS ProDuCTIVITY AND CoNTrol Sharp’s MX-C312 combines integrated, user-friendly software with robust device management technology to help IT professionals manage usage, control costs and minimize The Sharp 24/7 Training Advantage downtime. To maximize opportunities while reducing document and support costs, office...
M X - C 3 1 2 S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Main Specifications Network Printing System (Standard) B&W Super G3 Fax Kit - ontinued Inner Finisher (Option) Optional Equipment Network Scanning System (Standard) Supplies B&W Super G3 Fax Kit (Option)
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