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TechSmith Morae 3 Manual page 19


Morae Recorder
Study Configurations
The ideas of the study and the study configuration are important to understand when working with Morae.
For information on working with study configurations, see Template Study Configurations, Create a Study
Configuration, and Modify a Study Configuration.
What Is a Study?
A study involves recording, observing, and logging multiple user research sessions, analyzing the results, and
sharing the results with stakeholders.
In Morae, recordings in a study share a common study configuration file (.mrcfg), which includes the Study
Details: tasks, markers, and surveys.
Because the recordings in a study use the same configuration, you can compare and analyze the recordings
in Manager. For example, when all the sessions use the same tasks, you can compare the time it took to
complete a task across multiple participants. You can search for tasks, markers, events, and more across all
recordings in a study.
To make sure that all recordings have the same Study Details, define and save a study configuration prior to
recording any sessions.
If you need to combine recordings with different configurations into a single study, you can merge the
recordings in Manager. You can also choose to have more than one study in a single Manager project
file. See the Morae Manager Help for more information.
What is a Study Configuration?
A study configuration file (.mrcfg) defines study-specific information including Study Details and Recording
Only recordings with the same study configuration can be searched and graphed together in Morae
Study Details
must be the same for all recordings in a study and include:
Study name, description, and instructions
Tasks definitions and instructions
Marker definitions and instructions
Survey definitions and associations
Recording Details
File saving and processing options
Video sources
What data to capture
Who logs tasks
How to start and end recordings
Page 17
do not have to be the same for all recordings in a study and include:
Help PDF



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Morae 3.0