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TechSmith Morae 3 Manual page 103


Morae Recorder
Record Silently from the Command Line
You can use a command line option to "silently" launch the Recorder application, load a study configuration
and begin recording. When you use the command line option, the interface for Recorder never appears.
The order of command line arguments is:
"[path to Recorder.exe]" "[path to the configuration file]" -start
For example:
"C:\Program Files\TechSmith\Morae\MoraeRecorder.exe"
"C:\Morae\myconfig.mrcfg" -start
- The path to both the MoraeRecorder.exe and the configuration file must be in quotes.
- Arguments must be separated by a space.
- The "-start" argument must NOT be placed in quotes.
- You can create a shortcut for this command line option.
To create a shortcut to the command line
1. Locate the MoraeRecorder.exe.
2. Right-click on the MoraeRecorder.exe and choose Create Shortcut.
3. Right-click on the shortcut you created and choose Properties.
4. On the Shortcut page of the Properties dialog, the Target field displays the command line issued to
the application for this shortcut. Add the arguments to this command line, including a configuration file
name. If you do not specify a file name, Recorder uses its default settings.
5. Add the "–start" argument at the end of the command line.
6. Click OK. When you double-click this custom shortcut, Recorder silently launches.
Record Silently with the Recorder COM Server
Recorder supports an out-of-process COM server that provides access to many of its powerful recording
features. You can use the COM server options to set up custom recording configuration and use the server to
launch and stop Recorder silently. For more information, see Morae Recorder COM Server.
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Morae 3.0