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MTD 521 Operator's Manual page 10

Gas lawn edger
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of the unitand removethe beltfrom aroundthe engine
Replacing the Drive Belt
3. Removethespindlesheavesbeltguard by removing
IMPORTANT:Toaid in reassembly, n otethe orientation
the two self-tappingscrewswhichsecure it to the
of the drivebelt on the two idler pulleysand the engine
bladeplateassembly.See Figure12,
flywheelpulleyprior to performingthe followingsteps.
4. Carefullyremovethe belt fromoff of the pulleys,again
Referto Figure10.
makingsureto notethe orientationof the belt. Discard
the belt.
Theedger drivebelt is subjectto wear and shouldbe
replacedif any signsof cracking,shreddingor rotting
Install t hereplacement belt(PartNo,754-04032B)in thesame
are present.To replacethe belt, proceedas follows:
configuration that theoriginalbeltwas routedasfollows:
1. Workingin front of the edger,loosentheflange
5. Workingfrom the frontof theedger,placethe beltonto
lock nut on top of frame,allowingthe idler pulley
the spindlesheaves,routeit backonto thetwo idler
assemblyto pivot slightlyoutfrom the frame.See
pulleys,and thenplace it ontothe engineflywheel
2. With yourotherhand,carefullyreachunderthe rear
IMPORTANT:Makecertain that the "V"side of the belt
is seatedinto thetop pulleyand the flat sideof the beltis
seatedintothe bottompulley.
6. Reinstallthe spindlesheavesbelt guardwith the self
tappingscrews removed earlier,
7. Makecertain thatthe drive beltis on the engine
flywheelpulleyand idler pulleys,and retightenthe
flangelock nuton the topof theframe.
IMPORTANT:Makecertain that the drivebelt is seated
correctlyand that it is ridingsmoothlyon the spindle
sheavesand is notpinchedbetweenthem,
epeatthe firstthree stepsif the belt is
WARNING: Never operatethe edger
without the spindle sheaves belt guard in place.
Figure 12
spindle sheavesbelt
guardin place.
Off-Season Storage
Observethe followingwhenpreparingthe edgerfor
1. Cleanand lubricateunit thoroughlyas instructedon
page9 of this manual.
2, Referto the EngineManualpackedseparately
with the edgerfor enginemanufacturers's storage
3. Coatthe edger bladewith chassisgreaseto prevent
rustingand corrosion.
4. Storetheedger in a dry,cleanarea. Do notstore next
to anycorrosivematerials,such as lawnfertilizer.
5. Coatthe edger,especiallyany springsand bearings
with a lightoil or siliconespray.
IMPORTANT:Whenstoringanytype of powerequipment
in an poorlyventilatedor metal storageshed,care should
be taken to rustproofthe equipment.

