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GE GNSM48F Owner's Manual & Installation Instructions page 20

Water softening system


About the water softener system.
and Heavy Duty Backwash
NOTE:Each of the following functions has a factorg-set default value. The defaults are: Regeneration start time
-2:00AM; Ha×imum dags between regenerations-O
(displag shows dY-); Efficiencg mode-ON; Heavg dutg
backwash -OFF. The defaults are suitable for most installations. However, depending on water supplg qualitg,
household peak water use hours, etc., adjustment is available to meet specific needs. To make a change, read
and do the following.
Regeneration (Start) Time: At the 2:00 AH regeneration start time, the water softening sgstem begins
regeneration at that time, ending at about 4:00 AH.This is a good time in most households because water is not
in use (seeAutomatic Hard Water BypassDuring Regenerationsection).If a different time would be better for gour
needs,do steps Z, 2,3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 below to change the starting hour.
Maximum Days Between Regeneration: The default setting (dY-) allows the timer to control regeneration
frequencg based on water usage readings from the water meteE It provides the most economical operation.
You can set a maximum time (in dabs) between regenerations. For example, no more than three dabs will pass
without a regeneration occurring if gou set dY3 in the displag. A ! to 7 dab setting is available. To make a
change from the default setting, do steps Z,3, 4, 5, 7,9 and !1 below.
Efficiency Mode: When this feature is ON, the unit will operate at salt efficiencies of 4000 grains of harness per
pound of salt or higheE(Hag recharge more often using smaller salt dosage and lesswater).When this is ON,
the efficiencg icon_
will show in the lower right hand comer of the displag.To make a change for the
default setting, do steps !, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and !! below.
Heavy Duty Backwash: When set to ON,the backwash cgcle of regeneration will be 10 minutes long instead
of the normal seven minute length. This is beneficial on some water supplies high in iron or sediment content.
To conserve water, on clean supplies,be sure the default setting OFFshows. To change this setting, do steps !,
3, 5, 7,8, 9 and !1 below.
Auto Regeneration When Capacity is Lo_. The softener will regenerate at the regeneration time onlg.
Although the control has a look-forward feature which anticipates normal demand, an unusuallg high usage
mag result in a loss of softening capacitg. Turning the feature ON will cause the softener to go into a
regeneration cgcle when 97% of the softening capacitg has been used. To change settings, do steps 1, 3, 5, 7,9,
10 and 11 below.
Beginning from the present time displag, press and hold in the SETbutton until _
begins to flash.
Pressthe UP or DOWN button to displog the desired start time. The UP button moves the time ahead; the
DOWN button moves the time backward.
Pressthe SETbutton again, and _
set a maximum time {in dabs) between regenerations, press the UP or DOWN button.
Pressthe SETbutton again and the ON flashes and the efficiencg mode icon
shows in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
the UP or DOWN arrows to toggle the efficiencg mode either ON or OFF.
Pressthe SETbutton to displag _.
the UP button to change the displag to ON to increase the backwash time, if desired.
Pressthe SET button _
and _
alternatelg flashes.
the UP button to turn Auto Regeneration cgcle to ON.
Pressthe SETbutton a final time to return to present time of daB.

