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Epson PriorityFAX 3000 Product Support Bulletin
Epson PriorityFAX 3000 Product Support Bulletin

Epson PriorityFAX 3000 Product Support Bulletin

Maintenance switch function tables
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Subject: PriorityFax 2000/3000 Maintenance Switch Function Tables
Date: 8/8/90
Page: 1 of 8
The purpose of this document is to describe the PriorityFax 2000/3000
maintenance soft switch functions and supply instructions for accessing them.
1. In normal operation mode without a document inserted, press
A. Press "FUNCTION" then immediately press "*".
B. The unit will beep 3 times.
C. Immediately following the 3 beeps, press ' 2 8 6 4 ".
NOTE: Numbers must be pressed in rapid succession.
2. The unit will emit one long beep and the LCD will display
"MAINTENANCE", indicating it is in maintenance mode.
If the LCD does not display 'MAINTENANCE", press "STOP", wait for
the LCD to display the date and time, then try step 1 again. Call
Epson Product Support at 213-539-9955 if assistance is required.
3. There are 2 levels of soft switch functions accessible in the
maintenance mode. Table 1 lists the initial level functions. Tables 2,
3, and 4 list the second level functions. The tables are located at the
end of this document.
4. To activate one of the functions listed in Tab 1, enter the initial
maintenance mode. Enter the two digit 'Switch Number" with the keys
on the control panel. The unit will perform the function and return to
the initial maintenance mode.
The functions marked 'NOT USED' are either not available or require
Specialized equipment. They should only be accessed by an
authorized Epson Customer Care Center.
Product Support Bulletin
2 8 6 4" in the following sequence.
PSB No: P-0070
Originator: VB


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Summary of Contents for Epson PriorityFAX 3000

  • Page 1 If the LCD does not display ‘MAINTENANCE”, press “STOP”, wait for the LCD to display the date and time, then try step 1 again. Call Epson Product Support at 213-539-9955 if assistance is required. 3. There are 2 levels of soft switch functions accessible in the maintenance mode.
  • Page 2 PSB No: P-0070 Page: 2 of 8 5. Pressing the “STOP” key in the initial maintenance mode returns the unit to normal operation. Pressing the “STOP” key when only one digit has been entered returns the unit to the initial maintenance mode. The unit returns to the initial maintenance mode when the number entered does not correspond to a function listed in Table 1.
  • Page 3 PSB No: P-0070 Page: 3 of 8 EST PATTERN 1. To print the test pattern, enter the initial maintenance mode. Press the “0” key one time and then press the “9” key one time. The unit will continue to display “MAINTENANCE” on the LCD and print a test pattern as shown in Figure 1.
  • Page 4 PSB No: P-0070 Page: 4 of 8 Pressing the “Next” key will store the values of WSWl in the EEPROM and make “WSW2” available for change. When the unit is set to the “WSW2= factory default settings, the LCD will display 113DOOOO”.
  • Page 5 PSB No: P- 0070 Page: 5 of 8 Table 3 - Switches 1 - 4: Start/End Transmission speed in G3 mode The starting and ending transmission speed can be set separately in G3 overseas communication mode. If there is excessive noise, Increase the ending Sp88d if th8 decrease the starting Speed.
  • Page 6 PSB No: P- 0070 Page: 6 of 8 LCD FUNCTION TEST Operation method 1. To activate the LCD Function Test, enter the initial maintenance mode. Set the “Ring Delay” switch to the “4” position. 2. Press the “1” key one time and then press the “2” key one time. The LCD will display an oblique pattern (see Figure 2).
  • Page 7 PSB No: P- 0070 Page: 7 of 8 TAD RAM CHECK (PF3000 only) Function This function checks whether the TAD (Telephone Answering Device) RAM functions correctly. Operation Method 1. To activate the TAD RAM CHECK, enter the initial maintenance mode. Press the “1”...
  • Page 8 PSB No: P- 0070 Page: 8 of 8 tu’tch Suitch Ooscriptim Setting faction E R S E A S CC+WRIUTI# NODE mceptian) WERSEAS cmkNI1cATIoy 2 . 3 MDDE (lrmmission) Imores DIS once lrmsmitr 1100nr D I R E C T CDMWECTIDR WK)E S-8 NOT USED...