Beko CSA38220S Instructions For Use Manual page 2

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In order to ensure a normal operation of your refrigerating appliance, which uses a completely environmentally
friendly refrigerant the R600a (flammable only under certain conditions) you must observe the following rules:
Do not hinder the free circulation of the air around the appliance.
Do not use mechanical devices in order to accelerate the defrosting, others than the ones recommended by
the manufacturer.
Do not destroy the refrigerating circuit.
Do not use electric appliances inside the food keeping compartment, other than those that might have been
recommended by the manufacturer.
Per garantire il funzionamento adeguato dell'elettrodomestico, che utilizza il refrigerante R600a completamente adatto
all'ambiente (infiammabile solo in determinate condizioni), è necessario attenersi alle seguenti regole:
Non ostacolare la libera circolazione dell'aria attorno all'elettrodomestico.
Per accelerare lo sbrinamento non utilizzare dispositivi meccanici diversi da quelli consigliati dal produttore.
Non danneggiare il circuito refrigerante.
Non utilizzare all'interno del comparto del cibo elettrodomestici diversi da quelli consigliati dal produttore.
Lai garantētu jūsu sasaldēšanas iekārtas (kura izmanto viedei nekaitīgu dzesēšanas vielu R 600a - uzliesmojošs
tikai pie noteiktiem apstākĜiem), ir nepieciešams ievērot sekojošo:
Netrauciet gaisa cirkulācijai ap iekārtu.
Neizmantojiet nekādas mehāniskās iekārtas atkausēšanas paātrināšanai.
Nesabojājiet dzesēšanas ėēdi.
Nodalījumā pārtikas produktu glabāšanai neizmantojiet nekādas mehāniskās iekārtas, ja ražotājs to neiesaka.


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