Rear Panel - Viscount Cantorum Trio Plus Reference Manual

Table of Contents


Tremulants: here are the thumb pistons for the activation / deactivation of the Tremulant for each section.
[TREM I]: Manual I Tremulant.
[TREM II]: Manual II Tremulant.
[TREM III]: Manual III Tremulant.
Two tremulants are available for each section, and both can be activated through the [TREM] thumb pistons,.
For each tremulant it is possible to adjust speed, depth, amplitude and waveform and assign it to each voice.
Further information can be found on page 17.
[AUTO PED]: activates the Automatic Pedal or the Pedal Automatic Piano function. Select the mode of the
piston among the A.P. MODE parameter in the KEYBOARDS menu (page 25).
[ENC]: when the Enclosed function is active, the main volume can be controlled through the expression pedal
connected to the [EXPR.] connector (see point 19) or via MIDI (see page 38). Which expression pedal and
which section are controlled can be customized among the ENC CONFIG function in the CONTROLS menu
(page 26).
[TUTTI]: thumb piston that recalls Tutti. The Tutti can be modified. To do so, follow the procedure described
for [S] thumb piston.
[C]: Cancel thumb piston to turn off all stops, tremulants, couplers, and the other pistons on the manuals
(except when differently set through the functions in the COMBINATIONS menu, see page 26).

Rear Panel

[PHONES] connector: plug for a headphone set.
[INPUT] connector: stereophonic line input for external audio signals. The external audio signal is added to
the sound produced by the instrument.
PROG. OUT connectors: the instrument's general line outputs, allowing simulation of the windchests of pipe
organs. The signals are distributed over the outputs on the basis of the OUTPUTS settings available in the
"Physis Plus The Editor" application. These settings allow you to select the type of windchest, its size based
on the position in space of the speakers. Each output also has dedicated type, mode, level, equalization and
reverb controls.
[PEDALS] connectors: in these connectors it is possibile to connect pedals to control the following functions:
[SUSTAIN]: connector for a switch-type pedal to control the Sustain effect for orchestral voices.
[EXPR.]: connector for a volume-type pedal for the continuous control of Man.III (Cantorum Trio Plus) or Man.II
(Cantorum Duo Plus) volume.
[CRESC.]: connector for a volume-type pedal to select the Crescendo level (step). These levels activate a
fixed set of stops, linked with an equal number of loudness, from pianissimo to fortissimo. The current level is
shown on the display by the CRESC. field in the main video page (see page 9). The Crescendo controls all
the registers and couplers. Each level of the Crescendo can be programmed. To save the Crescendo
configuration, see [S] thumb piston description.
Cantorum Trio – Duo Plus
EN - 7
General descriptions
Reference Manual


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This manual is also suitable for:

Cantorum duo plus

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