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Sanyo C7 Instruction Manual page 11

Portable mini component system


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* A circuit that listens to music:
NR System is based on a patented circuit which
"programmed" with information about the way noise is heard by a human listener when music is played
at the same time. By playing the music through the Dolby NR System before it is recorded, and again
when the recording is heard by the listener, the noise introduced by the recording process is reduced
and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. This
Noise Reduction System is manufactured under licence from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
About metal tape
* Whereas normal, chrome, ferrochrome and other sound rcording tapes are surface-coated with magnetic
of iron oxide, metal tape has the surface covered with an unoxidized
alloy whose
ingredient is pure iron. Since base film is almost the same in all kinds of tape, the meta! tape does not
differ significantly from the others in regard to its physical and mechanical
It, however,
excels in terms of electrical characteristics because of its special surface coating. For this reason, it can
provide tape deck enthusiasts with greater satisfaction, by enabling them to achieve superior high fidelity
in the recording and playback of music.
Metal tape has the following performance features when used on the tape deck.
. Excellent frequency response at high input levels both in the recording and playback modes.
. High maximum output levels over the entire frequency range.
. Awide dynamic range at high frequency levels.
. Asuperior S/N ratio at high frequency levels.
. An excellent distortion factor at high input levels.
When recording sound on metal tape, it is recommended
that you read and follow the instructions
contained in the manual on metal tape.
Soft touch control
Just a soft, fingertip touch of the power-assisted controls activates the transport function of your choice.
Logic inter-lock lets you go from fast-wind modes to play without stopping in between.
VU/Sound level meters (VU/SOUND METER)
Indicate the recording level during recording or the recorded level during playback.
Dolby NR switch (DOLBY NR) -
Activates the Dolby noise reduction circuit during pevording and playback. Optimum music recording is
achieved by setting the switch to ''on"'.
Tape select switch
Selects proper tape position for the type of tape being used. As switch affects circuitry in both recording
and playback, it must be set to proper tape type during both operation modes.
08s cic ee actions
Metal tape
Normal (Fe203) tape
* Chiromium dioxide (CrO2) tape can be played back normally with the "METAL" position, however
recording is not recommended with this unit.
Record muting button (REC MUTE)
While a music programme
is being recorded, press this button if you wish to leave a blank tape section
or omit a section. The blank tape section can be made as long as the REC MUTE button is pressed. Release
it to. re-start recording on the tape.
To make a blank tape section which is to be used for the AMSS operation, the REC MUTE button
should be pressed for more than 4 seconds.
Beat cancel switch (BEAT CANCEL)
recording a radio programme on the tape, an irritating beat sound may sometimes be heard. In
such cases, simply set this switch to the other position.

