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Paradyne COMSPHERE 6800 Series Installation And Enabling/Disabling Instructions page 2

Network management system snmp trap export feature


P a r a dyn e
COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
SNMP Trap Export Feature
Feature Number 6801-C4-020
Installation and Enabling/Disabling Instructions
Document Number 6800-A2-GZ45-00
April 1994
The 6800 Series Network Management System (NMS) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Trap
Export feature enhances the interoperability between the 6800 Series NMS and most industry-standard,
SNMP-based network management systems. This feature exports native 6800 Series NMS alerts as standard
SNMP traps. All traps are generated as enterprise specific.
Variable Bindings Information
The 6800 Series NMS alert information is packed into the variable bindings. The fields from the Common
Alert Format of the 6800 Series NMS that are put into the variable bindings are the following:
Device Type
Device Address
Alert Type
Alert Text
Each of these fields is handled as a separate MIB (Management Information Base) variable. (The entire MIB
definition is registered formally.) These SNMP alerts are forwarded on the TCP/IP network. In this context, the
term TCP/IP network refers to the entire internet suite of protocols. Traps can be forwarded to any specified
SNMP Manager on the network. The SNMP Manager may require a formal definition of the variable bindings
to be parsed into its MIB definitions. Also, users must specify the internet address of the SNMP Manager on the
6800 Series NMS host. Both of these requirements are discussed in the installation instructions provided in this
document. The traps community string will always be public.
Object Identifier
The SNMP traps forwarded from the 6800 Series NMS contain a single object identifier, the 6800 NMS, which
is registered under the att-management sub-tree. The fully distinguished name for this object is the following:

