Calling Line Idantlf^oation; Tncqming Call; Calls In Absence; Cli Memory - Ericsson EH 237 User Manual

Handheld telephone for the tacs and etacs cellular telecommunications networks
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Appendix: Calling Line Identification
This faciiity Can not
i/ntess ff is
^uppofted by the ceiftJiar selwork you
ara ysfng.
Thfi CalHiig Llnig IdetillNcalfon (OLf]i
fadlitjf Intorms you pr th^ caUF'er's tele¬
phone number when you recede a
The GLl
also mdudes a mem¬
ory thaJ hotda up lo ten (10) phone
numbers - both answered and un-
Incoming Call
ib& phone is used with
hartds-Zree equrpitr&nt, you
a caii by pr^s^s-
ing any key #jfCepl the C
When an incoming cafl is reoetved, Ihe
calPer's number appears in ihe cfisplay,
together with the nne&sags CALL
The caller's number is auiomatically
slorecf in the CLI memofy.
* If you answer Ihe caJL the caller's
number disappears from the display.
• If you do iiol wish to answer the
c^l, press C to mlerrupl the ringdng
signal. The caller's number disap¬
pears from the display.
Calls In Absence
ft somebody has called you when
yoo were away from iha phone, the
catler's number Is slored ip the CL!
The caller's number, howes/er, re^
mains In the display, In adcfitlon. the
message CLI is displayed, fdlowed
by a digH 1 to 9. The digit indicates
the number of unanswered calls;
I he d^t 9 indioales 9 or more un-
arkswered calls.
Press Send or End The message
CU (^sappears. but the caller's num¬
ber remains In Ihe display.
• To call the number^ press Send
• If you do nql wish to call the num-
bar, but anoflher number, erase the
number from the display by press¬
ing arKJ holding down C. The num*
ber. however, rernains in the CLI
If a new caii is racsh/ed, the
message CU and the accom-
panyif^ digit, 1 to B. are re-
piacadby the CALL mes¬
sage. The calfer's phone
number ri^acas the ofd
ft you mot'e she phone into
an area which is not covered
by the ceiiuiar network, the
message NO SVC (No Ser-
} wifi replace the mess¬
age CU and the digii
CU Memory
Up to ten (10) answered and un¬
answered phone numbers can be
stored in Lhr$ memory.
The number last received is always
stored in Ihe Urst memory locallon.
ft more than ten calls are recetvedn
the oldest number wMI be lost.
A phone number wHI not be stored
twice. It a number, which already is


Table of Contents

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