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We advise that you select a method of shipping that is traceable
(eg. UPS, DHL, FedEx). Any expense of claiming under this
Limited Warranty will be borne by the person making the claim
(including any shipping and handling charges in returning the
Product to Razer, as well as any applicable customs, duties
or taxes in relation to the claim). If the Product is validly
returned under the terms of this Limited Warranty, Razer will
be responsible for postage expenses for shipping the Product
back to you (but not any customs charges, duties, or taxes).
You are responsible for ensuring that the Product is properly
packaged and will bear the full risk of loss or damage for any
Product that is returned improperly packaged. Risk of loss or
damage in the returned Product only passes to Razer when the
Product is received by Razer and Razer shall not be responsible
for items lost in transit to us. In the event that the procedure
herein is not followed, Razer reserves the right to accept the
delivery of the Product on such terms that it may determine at
its sole discretion.
Returns Not Covered by this Limited Warranty. If Razer receives
a Product from you that does not meet the requirements of this
Limited Warranty, including (but not limited to) a Product that
(a) lacks a valid RMA Number, (b) is not accompanied by a valid
Proof of Purchase, (c) is no longer covered under the Warranty
Period, or (d) does not have a defect covered by this Limited
Warranty, you may be responsible for an assessment fee, return
shipping and handling fees, and other reasonable fees as may
be required by Razer prior to the Product being returned to you.
General. This Limited Warranty applies only to the original
purchaser of the Product and is non-transferable. This Limited
Warranty is only valid in Australia. No Razer reseller, agent,
distributor, or employee is authorized to make any modification,
extension or addition to this Limited Warranty. If any term of
this Limited Warranty is held to be illegal or unenforceable, the
legality or enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be
affected or impaired.
This Limited Warranty is being offered to you by:
Razer Inc.
9 Pasteur, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA
The product comply with the Canada portable RF exposure
limit set forth for an uncontrolled environment and are safe for
intended operation as described in this manual. The further RF
exposure reduction can be achieved if the product can be kept
as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower
output power if such function is available.
This Razer device is not a medical device and is not listed under
UL or IEC 60601 (or equivalent). This device should be kept
at a certain distance to avoid harmful effects to patients or
medical equipment.
Certain restrictions apply to this device while onboard an
aircraft. Razer encourages you to understand these restrictions
to ensure the flight's safety and security.
La operación de este equipo está sujeta a las siguientes dos
(1) es posible que este equipo o dispositivo no caus
interferencia perjudicial y
(2) este equipo o dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier
interferencia, incluyendo la que pueda causar su
operación no deseada.
Producto: Audifonos Inalamricos
Marca: RAZER
Modelo: 382
Este equipamento não tem direito à proteção contra
interferência prejudicial e não pode causar interferência em
sistemas devidamente autorizados. Para maiores informações,
consulte o site da ANATEL – https:/ /
Correct Disposal of This Product (Waste Electrical & Electronic
Equipment) (Applicable in the European Union and other
European countries with separate collection systems) This
marking shown on the product or its literature, indicates that it
should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end
of its working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment
or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, please
separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it
responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material
resources. Household users should contact either the retailer
where they purchased this product, or their local government
office, for details of where and how they can take this item
for environmentally safe recycling. Business users should
contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of the
purchase contract. This product should not be mixed with other
commercial wastes for disposal.
Comment éliminer ce produit (déchets d'équipements
électriques et électroniques) (Applicable dans les pays de
l'Union Européen et aux autres pays européens disposant de
systémes de collecte sélective) Ce symbole sur le produit ou sa
documentation indique qu'il ne doit pas être éliminé en fin de
vie avec les autres déchets ménagers. L'élimination incontrôlée
des déchets pouvant porter préjudice à l'environnement ou à la
santé humaine, veuillez le séparer des autres types de déchets
et le recycler de façon responsable. Vous favoriserez ainsi la
réutilisation durable des ressources matérielles. Les particuliers
sont invités à contacter le distributeur leur ayant vendu le
produit ou à se renseigner auprès de leur mairie pour savoir où
et comment ils peuvent se débarrasser de ce produit afin qu'il
soit recyclé en respectant l'environnement. Les entreprises
sont invitées à contacter leurs fournisseurs et à consulter les
conditions de leur contrat de vente. Ce produit ne doit pas être
éliminé avec les autres déchets commerciaux.
Korrekte Entsorgung dieses Produkts (Elektromüll)
(Anzuwenden in den Ländern der Europäischen Union
und anderen europäischen Ländern mit einem separaten
Sammelsystem) Die Kennzeichnung auf dem Produkt bzw.
auf der dazugehörigen Literatur gibt an, dass es nach seiner
Lebensdauer nicht zusammen mit dem normalen Haushaltsmüll
entsorgt werden darf. Entsorgen Sie dieses Gerät bitte getrennt
von anderen Abfällen, um der Umwelt bzw. der menschlichen
Gesundheit nicht durch unkontrollierte Müllbeseitigung
zu schaden. Recyceln Sie das Gerät, um die nachhaltige
Wiederverwertung von stofflichen Ressourcen zu fördern.
Private Nutzer sollten den Händler, bei dem das Produkt gekauft
wurde, oder die zuständigen Behörden kontaktieren, um in
Erfahrung zu bringen, wie sie das Gerät auf umweltfreundliche
Weise recyceln können. Gewerbliche Nutzer sollten sich an Ihren
Lieferanten wenden und die Bedingungen des Verkaufsvertrags
konsultieren. Dieses Produkt darf nicht zusammen mit anderem
Gewerbemüll entsorgt werden.
Eliminación correcta de este producto (material eléctrico y
electrónico de descarte) (Aplicable en la Unión Europea y
en países europeos con sistenmas de recogida selectiva de
residuos) La presencia de esta marca en el producto o en el
material informativo que lo acompaña, indica que al finalizar
su vida útil no deberá eliminarse junto con otros residuos
domésticos. Para evitar los posibles daños al medio ambiente
o a la salud humana que representa la eliminación incontrolada
de residuos, separe este producto de otros tipos de residuos
y recíclelo correctamente para promover la reutilización
sostenible de recursos materiales. Los usuarios particulares
pueden contactar con el establecimiento donde adquirieron
el producto, o con las autoridades locales pertinentes, para
informarse sobre cómo y dónde pueden llevarlo para que
sea sometido a un reciclaje ecológico y seguro. Los usuarios
comerciales pueden contactar con su proveedor y consultar

