Crown Pagoda2 6x6m Instruction Manual page 4

Table of Contents


Before You Stake
Ensure that you are fully aware of the type of ground you are staking to, whether it is hard clay or sandy soil,
the tent should be secured appropriately. Regardless of the marquee size or weight, no marquee should be
put up if it's not possible to use the appropriate amount of stakes or ground anchors that are provided.
Prior to staking, be sure that no underground utilities are present. Crown Canopies is not
responsible for methods that installers may choose to erect and secure the tent, canopy, structure, or shelter
to the site surface. Crown Canopies responsibility is limited to the manufacture of the tent parts and materials.
It is the installer's responsibility, not Crown Canopies, to determine the appropriate number of stakes to meet
the necessary wind loads on the installation site.
Soil and setup conditions can vary greatly between installation sites. It is the installer's responsibil-
ity to be sure the staking is adequate for each site on each setup. Additional staking, tiebacks, and/or stake
bars may be required in order to safely setup and secure the product. Crown Canopies always recommends
to use all stakes and securing included with the tent as a minimum.
The number of stakes suggested in this manual routinely does not meet the relevant local codes of
the installation site. The number of stakes included in the standard kit will, in most cases, keep the tent, canopy,
structure, or shelter setup. Due to various soil conditions the standard staking kit may be inadequate to keep the
tent secure in high winds and wet or threatening weather. Regardless of the number of stakes included in
standard kits, Crown Canopies makes no representation or warranty as to whether this is sufficient to meet
the requirements for your installation site(s).
Staking Basics
A properly driven stake will be driven down to so lower head is
touching the ground. The deeper that the stake is driven, the
greater holding strength the stake will have. Anchoring stakes
must be driven deep and vertical.
Find knocking in the stakes tedious? Don't knock in less stakes and
compromise safety, see our Stake Driver on
Stakes driven vertically have a greater holding strength than
stakes driven at an angle. Vertically is defined as straight up down
or angled up to 10° away from the tent, canopy, structure, or
6" or less
6" or less


Table of Contents

Table of Contents