High Detector Humidity Warning - Redback RS40k User Manual

Echelle spectrometer
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6.5.1 High detector humidity warning

The sCMOS detector used in the RS40k spectrometer has an O-ring sealed chamber
which is back-filled with argon gas to create an inert atmosphere. The O-ring seal may
leak over time and water vapour is able to diffuse into the chamber. If the internal
humidity is too high condensation can form on the detector cover glass when the
detector is cooled below the dew point. Condensation on the detector glass manifests
itself as a loss in signal strength and/or deep trenches in the recorded spectrum.
RedSolve monitors the relative humidity inside the detector chamber and displays the
current value at the bottom right corner. If the detector chamber humidity value exceeds
a certain threshold, a warning message will notify the user. Please immediately stop
using the spectrometer and follow the steps below:
1.) Remove the slotted screw on the top side of the detector as shown below.
Figure 16: CMOS detector with slotted top screw and silicone O-ring.
© Redback Systems Pty Ltd


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