Date And Time; Total Results; Individual Results - Bosch DCN Manual

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External Interface Manual
answer legend<SEP>answer text<SEP>answer correct<EOL>
answer legend
answer text
answer correct

Date and time

This line contains the date and time the voting was performed (the exact time will indicate the time the voting
is stopped).

Total results

<total voting results> <EOL>
<present legend> <SEP> <number of present> <EOL>
<not voted legend> <SEP> <number of not voted> <EOL>
<quorum name> <SEP> <required quorum> <SEP> <authorised delegates> <EOL>
<majority name> <SEP> <required majority> <SEP> <majority> <EOL>
total voting results
present legend
number present
not voted legend
number not voted
quorum name
required quorum
authorised delegates
majority name
required majority
This line is then repeated 'number of answers' times:
<answer option legend> <SEP> <answer option result> <SEP> <EOL>
answer option legend
answer option result

Individual results

This line is repeated for each delegate (if selected):
delegate id<SEP>screen line<SEP>group<SEP>answer legend vote<EOL>
delegate id
answer legend
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2004 April | External Interface Manual
Legend text for the answer.
Descriptive text for the answer.
In a multiple choice vote, this setting indicates whether the
answer is correct (TRUE) or incorrect (FALSE).
Date of voting, DD = day (2 digits), MM = month (2 digits),
YYYY = year (4 digits).
Time of voting, HH = hour (2 digits, 24 hour military time
format), MM = minutes (2 digits)
The average result (0-1000) of an Audience Response or
Rating type voting.
Legend text
The number of voters registered as present
Legend text
The number of present voters who have not voted
The name of the used Quorum formula
The number of authorised delegates that must be present for a
voting to become approved, it will be 65535 (0xFFFF) when no
quorum is required
The number of authorised delegates present
The name of the used Majority formula
The number of "for"- or "yes"-votes necessary for a voting to
become approved, it will be 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF) when
no majority is required)
The number of "for"- or "yes"-votes
Answer text
The number of voters who selected this answer.
A number in the range 1-1000 (single CCU) or 1-1500 (multi-
CCU) that identifies the delegate in the delegate database.
Each delegate has a unique ID-number.
Text of 33 characters which identifies the delegate as text. Can
be generated by either the DB application or using DCNAPI.
The name of the group for this delegate as determined by the
names file. If the delegate is not associated with a group this
part is empty.
The legend of the answer given by the delegate.
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