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Safety Warnings - Jet JCP Series Operating Instructions And Parts Manual

Cable pullers


Read and understand owner's manual before operating cable puller.
Do not exceed rated capacity.
Supporting structure used with this device must provide adequate support to handle all puller
operations plus the weight of the puller and attached equipment. If in doubt, consult a registered
structural engineer.
Never use handle extensions (cheaters).
Do not use with twisted, kinked or damaged wire rope.
Do not use if cable puller is damaged or malfunctioning.
Do not lift people or loads over people. Always keep people clear from load path.
Always keep a minimum of (3) wraps of wire rope on drum.
Do not use with open or twisted hook, or without safety latch.
10. Never run wire rope over a sharp edge.
11. Never leave a suspended load unattended.
12. Do not swing a suspended load.
13. Always inspect cable puller before each use. Replace if any component is damaged or malfunctioning.
14. Always use gloves when handling wire rope. Do not wear loose clothing which can become entangled
in moving parts.
15. Failure to comply with the above warnings may result in personal injury and/or property damage.
Model .......................................................................JCP-1 .............................JCP-2 ...................... JCP-4
Stock Number ........................................................ 180410 ........................... 180420 .....................180440
Weight Capacity (ton) ...................................................... 1 .................................... 2 ............................. 4
Maximum Lift (ft) ........................................................... 12 .................................... 5 .............................. 5
Lever Ratio................................................................. 18:1 ............................... 36:1 ......................... 36:1
Lever Length (in) ..................................................... 16-1/2 ............................ 16-1/2 ...................... 17-1/8
Minimum Distance Between Hooks (in) ......................... 17 .................................. 21 ............................ 22
Wire Rope Diameter (in)............................................. 3/16 .............................. 3/16 ........................... 1/4
Net Weight (lbs) .............................................................. 7 .................................... 9 ............................ 13
The JET JCP-Series Cable Pullers comply with ANSI/ASME B30.21 standards.
The specifications in this manual are given as general information and are not binding. JET reserves the
right to effect, at any time and without prior notice, alterations to parts, fittings, and necessary equipment
deemed necessary for any reason whatsoever.

3.0 Safety warnings

JCP Series Cable Pullers



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