Vmax/w and Vmax circuit-breaker shipping containers are
designed to be handled by fork lift (not supplied) Fig. 2.
To lift and handle the circuit-breaker, proceed as follows
(fig. 2):
– use a special lifting tool (1) (not supplied) fitted with ropes
with safety hooks (2);
– insert the hooks (2) in the special holes in the circuit-breaker
frame and lift;
– on completion of the operation (and in any case before
putting into service) unhook the lifting tool.
During handling, take great care not to stress the insulating
parts and the terminals of the circuit-breaker.
fig. 2
Once removed from the shipping container, the circuit-breaker
wheels are designed to move the circuit-breaker across a
smooth, paved surface.
Care must be taken not to damage the secondary plug
(item 3, Figure 2a) when transporting, rolling, or handling the
Vmax/w circuit-breakers.
fig. 2a
DO NOT pull the circuit-breaker by the front handles with the
circuit-breaker in any position other than full Disconnect to
avoid injuries at the hands.
DO NOT move the circuit-breaker by pushing on the pole
box or primary leads of the embedded poles. Damage and
misalignment of the poles and contact arms assemblies will
occur if force is applied to them.
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