For your safety!
• Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisions
and ambient) is suitable for the electrical apparatus.
• Check that all the installation, putting into service and
maintenance operations are carried out by qualified
personnel with suitable knowledge of the apparatus.
• Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions
are complied with during installation, putting into
service and maintenance, so that installations
according to the rules of good working practice and
safety in the work place are constructed.
• Strictly follow the information given in this instruction
• Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is
not exceeded during service.
• Check that the personnel operating the apparatus
have this instruction manual to hand as well as the
necessary information for correct intervention.
• Pay special attention to the notes indicated in the
manual by the following symbol:
ReSPonSible behaviouR SafeguaRdS
youR own and otheRS' Safety!
foR any RequeStS, PleaSe ContaCt the
abb aSSiStanCe SeRviCe.
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