Introduction; Owner's Manual; Your Responsibilities - Quicksilver 675CR Owner's Manual

Table of Contents



1. Owner's Manual

The material here and the rest of the Owner's manual packet:
Gives you basic safety information
Describes the fundamentals of boat use
Describes the features of your boat
Describes the equipment on your boat
Contains service and maintenance information
You must learn to safely operate this boat as well as read, understand and use the information
contained in this package.
What this manual does not give you is a course in boating safety, or how to navigate, anchor or dock
your boat. Operating a power boat safely requires more skills, knowledge and awareness than is
necessary for a car or truck.

2. Your Responsibilities

For your safety, the safety of your passengers, other boaters and people in the water, you must take a
boating safety course and get instruction in the safe and proper handling of your boat. Understand
and follow the "Rules of the Road" and learn how to navigate.
Do not forget that a boating license is mandatory in many countries for vessels above a certain engine
power. These regulations can vary depending on the country or region that you are located in.
Finally, your boat must be registered with the proper navigation authorities. A Declaration of
Conformity is part of the documents that you receive with the boat and it must be kept aboard with
other official documents at all times. The Declaration of Conformity is mandatory when registering
the boat.
3. Explanation of Safety Labels
The most important aspect of boating is safety. Although every effort is made to address the
numerous issues regarding the safe usage of your boat, it is strongly recommended that you avail
yourself of the training and knowledge available through boating safety courses, etc.
Safety Precautions
Mounted at key locations throughout your boat and duplicated in this manual are labels which advise
the owner/operator of imperative safety precautions to follow when operating or servicing
equipment. Learn to recognize the degree of precaution and understand the explanations of safety
prior to reading this manual. These precautions are not all-inclusive. Always use common sense in the
operation of your boat.
Do not remove or obstruct any safety label.
Replace any label which becomes illegible. Replacement safety labels can be obtained by
calling your dealer
DANGER—Immediate hazards which will result in severe
personal injury or death if the warning is ignored.
CAUTION—Hazards or unsafe practices which could result
in minor injury, product or property damage if the warning
is ignored.
WARNING—Hazards or unsafe practices which MAY result
in severe personal injury or death if the warning is ignored.
NOTICE—Information which is important to proper
operation or maintenance, but is not hazard related.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents