Displaying And Measuring Waveforms - Velleman-Kit EDU08 Manual

Educational lcd oscilloscope
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Displaying and measuring waveforms:

We have a nice waveform available at the test
pin, it is perfect for our measurements.
Turn off the scope, connect the red alligator
clip to the 'test'-pin and turn on the scope.
You should see something like this:
This is called a square wave. Note that the com-
plete waveform is drawn above the center of
the screen. This is because our waveform con-
tains not only an AC but also a DC component:
Now, enter the menu and select 'AC coupling'
instead of 'AC+DC coupling'
Now the position of the waveform changes, as
the DC component of the signal is blocked.
The scope only displays the AC part, which is
both positive and negative.
Let's measure the frequency and period of
our waveform.
First, we turn on the markers, by pressing the
'HOLD'-button. Next, we isolate a single period
of our waveform by moving both horizontal
markers as shown below:
The lower right hand corner displays the period
of our signal: 0.51ms. To display the frequency,
we select:
- 19 -
Let's measure
Now the scope will display the frequency of
our signal:
Note that there are also horizontal markers
available. They allow us to measure e.g. the
peak to peak value of our waveform, which is
also displayed in the lower right hand corner.


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