Table of Contents


Before it can start monitoring the
water consumption alarms, the
controller needs to gather consump-
tion data for 48 hours in a row (no
consumption alarm can be detected
within this 48-hour delay). This 48-
hour delay starts when enabling the
water meter in the User Setup Menu.

12.1.3. Alarm Settings

1. From the main menu, select: ALARMS.
2. Use the navigation keys to select the fol-
lowing parameters:
Critical high:
Clean mode low
Water spill set1
Lo Water usage
Hi Water usage
3. Set the following parameters:
(The parameter adjustment process is explained
in section 3.2 on page 8).
Low & High Temperature Limits — Set the
room temperature below and above which
a temperature alarm must be triggered. The
low limit can be adjusted from 40°F to 0.5°F
(22.2 to 0.3°C) below the set point and the
high limit from 0.5°F to 40°F (0.3 to 22.2°C)
above the set point. * A change in the set point will
change these values by the same amount.
Critical Temperature — Set the absolute
maximum temperature that is allowed in
EXPERT 2V2SA, rev.10
the room. This parameter ranges from
–40 to 120ºF (-40 to 48.9ºC). *Accessible
if the outside temperature sensor is enabled in
the User Setup Menu.
Clean mode — Set the temperature below
which a temperature alarm is set off in
clean mode.
Water spill set 1 — Set the first maximum
amount of water that can be consumed
in a 15-minute delay. *This parameter is
accessible if the water meter is enabled in the
User Setup Menu.
From / To — Set the period of time during
which the first water spill limit is being used.
Water spill set 2 — Set the second
maximum amount of water that can be
consumed in a 15-minute delay. *This
parameter is accessible if the water meter is
enabled in the User Setup Menu.
Water Lo Alarm Usage — An alarm is set
off if the water consumption measured
by a water meter in the last 24 hours is
too low compared to the consumption
measured in the 24 hours that precede. To
disable this monitoring function, decrease
the parameter value until the word "Off "
is displayed. *This parameter is accessible if a
water meter is enabled in the User Setup Menu.
See "Water Alarms" on page 47 for more
information on this alarm limit.
Water Hi Alarm Usage— An alarm is set
off if the water consumption measured
by a water meter in the last 24 hours is
too high compared to the consumption
measured in the 24 hours that precede. To
disable this monitoring function, decrease
the parameter value until the word "Off " is
displayed. *This parameter is accessible if a
water meter is enabled in the User Setup Menu.
See "Water Alarms" on page 47 for more
information on this alarm limit.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents