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Taylor Tools Bronco 260P-G2 Owner's Manual page 21

Floor removal machine with hydraulic lift


1 Year Limited Warranty
Roofing Equipment, Inc., a California corporation that does business under the name "Taylor Tools" (the "Company"), hereby warrants
to the original purchaser, on and subject to the terms described herein, that the Product shall be free of defects in material and
workmanship for a period of 1 year from date of purchase (the "Limited Warranty"). In the event the Company determines that a failure
is related to defects in material or workmanship and the conditions of this Limited Warranty set forth below apply, the Company at it's
discretion will accept the responsibility to correct or replace the defect at its cost. Parts and labor will be free of charge for one (1) Year
from the date of purchase. The method of correction will be determined in the reasonable discretion of the Company and, where
necessary, will include materials and labor provided by a dealer or a repair company designated by the Company.
Purchaser Responsibilities:
Purchaser shall provide maintenance and adjustments and shall have complied with the procedures and recommendations described
in the Operators / Instruction Manual. The Company makes no representation or warranty with respect to the useful life of the Product
which will depend on the manner in which it is used, something the Company cannot control. The Purchaser must understand that
frequent heavy-duty use of the Product will shorten its useful life. Transportation charges to deliver the Product to and from the place
where the warranty repair will be performed are the responsibility of the Purchaser.
The Limited Warranty:
This Limited Warranty contains all of the terms of the warranty being provided in connection with the Product. No person is authorized
to make any changes or additions to the terms set forth herein unless they are set forth in writing and signed by an officer of the
Company. The Product is sold as a business rather than as a consumer product. If there is a defect in the materials or workmanship
covered by this Limited Warranty, the Company's sole obligation shall be repair and replacement as described herein. In no event will
the Company be liable or responsible to the purchaser, other contractors on the job, or the owner or lender of the building for any
damages in excess of the cost described herein. This limitation applies to damages of any kind, including any direct or indirect
damages, lost profits, lost savings, lost of use or cost of capital, or other special, incidental, exemplary, punitive, or consequential
damages whether for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise or whether arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product or
system. This Limited Warranty runs only in favor of the original purchaser identified in a Product Registration card properly and timely
sent to the Company and shall not apply to nor can it be enforced by any assignees, successors or subsequent purchasers of the
product. This Limited Warranty is limited; thus the terms and conditions of the Limited Warranty should be reviewed and
understood before purchasing the Product.
Notice of Claim:
In order to evaluate the likely cause of any claimed defect and, if the coverage provided herein applies, to correct any such defect, a
claim under this Limited Warranty must be in writing and shall be sent to the Company at the address set forth below ("Notice of Claim")
within thirty days from the date such defect or defective condition is first noticed or becomes apparent ("Claim Date"). A longer period
of time elapsing between the Claim Date and the Notice of Claim may result in the inability of Company to determine the nature and
extent of such defect, and the Company reserves the right to disallow any Notice of Claim not made within such period. Following
receipt of the Notice of Claim, representatives of the Company shall be entitled to make such inspections and tests with the full
cooperation of the original purchaser as may be necessary to determine the cause of the claimed defect. The right to inspect the
product and the continued cooperation of those involved shall be necessary in order for coverage herein to apply.
This Limited Warranty requires timely written notification of any claimed defect or claim hereunder. Failure to notify the
Company promptly of any such claim may void the coverage provided by this Limited Warranty. Notice of Claim should be
sent or faxed to:
Taylor Tools 5045 Paris Street, Denver, CO 80239
Exclusions of Warranty:
No warranty is extended on any Product that has been altered, misused, mis-assembled, improperly adjusted, neglected or damaged
by accident, shipping, handling, warehousing, lack of routine maintenance, or failure to follow the provisions and recommendations in
the Instruction / Operating Manual. No warranty is extended for service completed by someone other than an Authorized Dealer
designated by the Company. The Company reserves the right to incorporate any change in design into its products without obligation to
make such changes on products previously manufactured.
The Company makes no other warranty, express or implied, other than this Limited Warranty. The implied warranties of merchantability
and fitness for particular purpose are limited to one (1) year as described herein, or, to the extent permitted by law, are hereby
disclaimed. The repair or replacement of parts that prove to be defective in material or workmanship shall be the exclusive remedy for
breach of this warranty. To the extent permitted by law, the Company shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages
including but not limited to damages for inconvenience, rental or purchase of replacement equipment, or for loss of profits or other
commercial loss, resulting from a breach of this warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts,
and some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation and exclusion
may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state
to state.

