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Thanks very much for trusting ZOOMLION brand and purchasing ZOOMLION truck
Thanks very much for trusting ZOOMLION brand and purchasing ZOOMLION truck
These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane
These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane
safely and correctly and utilize the reliable usage options that it provides. We should
safely and correctly and utilize the reliable usage options that it provides. We should
adhere to the operating instructions during operation and maintenance.
adhere to the operating instructions during operation and maintenance.
The accidents occurring during the crane operation are mostly caused by ignoring the
The accidents occurring during the crane operation are mostly caused by ignoring the
precautionary measures and safety regulations. Therefore, do take enough steps in
precautionary measures and safety regulations. Therefore, do take enough steps in
earnest to avoid such accidents. Incorrect operation, service and maintenance are all
earnest to avoid such accidents. Incorrect operation, service and maintenance are all
dangerous and might cause life-threatening hazards. Therefore, do read, understand
dangerous and might cause life-threatening hazards. Therefore, do read, understand
and master the precautionary measures and notes prior to operating the crane.
and master the precautionary measures and notes prior to operating the crane.
Operations, checks and maintenance must be carried out carefully. The operator's
Operations, checks and maintenance must be carried out carefully. The operator's
motto must always be Safety first!
motto must always be Safety first!
a a
Only operate or maintain the crane if you have rea
Only operate or maintain the crane if you
mastered the operating instructio
red the operating instructio ns;
b b
Incorrect operation , se
Incorrect operation
cause life-threatening
cause life-threate
c c
 Al wa
ways k
ys k eep t
eep t hes
hes e op
operating instruc
ting instruc tions belong wit
T T h h e e c c o o n n t t e e n n t t s s c c o o n n c c e e r r n n i i n n g g a a b b o o u u t t s s a a f f e e t t y y a a r r e e m m a a r r k k e e d d w w i i t t h h " "
The following terms that are used in these operating instructions "Danger 
The following terms that are used in these operating instructions "
and "Caution
and "
Caution" are intended to point out certain important rules of conduct to all persons
" are intended to point out certain important rules of conduct to all persons
who work with the crane. The meanings of the terms are as follows:
who work with the crane. The meanings of the terms are as follows:
The term "Danger" is used to provide a warning about life-threatening hazards, serious
The term "Danger" is used to provide a warning about life-threatening hazards, serious
damage to property
damage to p
roperty. .
The term "Warning" is used to provide a warning about potentially serious personal
The term "Warning" is used to provide a warning about potentially serious personal
injury or damage to property.
injury or damage
to property.
The term "Caution" is used to provide a warning about potential minor or medium
The term "Caution" is used to provide a warning about potential minor or medium
personal injury, or damage to
personal injury
, or damage to machinery or parts.
In order to avoid any mechanical damage or personal injury, the user should operate the
In order to avoid any mechanical damage or personal injury, the user should operate the
, service and maintenance are
rvice and maintenance are all dangerous and migh
ning haza
e op erat
erat in in g i
g ins
ns tr tr uc
uc ti ti on
on s h
tions belong wit h the crane!
h the crane!
machinery or parts.
have read, understand and
d, understand and
all dangerous and migh t t
s h and
and y i
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n t he o
he o per
per ato
ato r' r's c
" " . .
Danger  " , "
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ab. Th e e
", "Warning
Warning", ",



Summary of Contents for Zoomlion QY30V

  • Page 1         Foreword Foreword Thanks very much for trusting ZOOMLION brand and purchasing ZOOMLION truck Thanks very much for trusting ZOOMLION brand and purchasing ZOOMLION truck crane. crane. These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane These operating instructions are intended to put you in a position to operate the crane safely and correctly and utilize the reliable usage options that it provides.
  • Page 2 These operating instructions have been translated to be technology information. These operating instructions have been translated to be best of one’s knowledge. Zoomlion assumes no liability for translation errors. best of one’s knowledge. Zoomlion assumes no liability for translation errors.
  • Page 3     Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y     Contents Contents Foreword Foreword  ..........................1  ...
  • Page 4     Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y        3.1.4 3.1.4 Air horn horn switch switch..................
  • Page 5     Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y     4.3.2 4.3.2 Starti Starting ng and and stopping stopping the the engine...
  • Page 6     Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y        Chapter Chapter 7 7 Maintenance intenance and and service service...
  • Page 7     Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y Q Y 3 0 V 5 3 2 . 4 T / 2 0 Y     8.4.8 8.4.8 Inspecting Inspecting the the oil oil and and fuel fuel reservoirs...
  • Page 9         OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 Chapter 1 D pter 1 Descrip escription tion of cr of cr ane...
  • Page 10    ...
  • Page 11     1.1 Model and name plate 1.1 Model and name plate     1.1.1 Model 1.1.1 Model Model in engineering industry: QY30V Model in engineering industry: QY30V Chassis Chassis model: model: ZLJ5325 ZLJ5325  ...
  • Page 12 ) and its locatio locatio n n The VIN of QY30V truck crane is L5E5H3D3××A××××××, and is stamped in the crane The VIN of QY30V truck crane is L5E5H3D3××A××××××, and is stamped in the crane name plate, chassis name plate and right longitudinal beam of chassis frame. For the name plate, chassis name plate and right longitudinal beam of chassis frame.
  • Page 13         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     Note Note The above details must always be presented when the user needs our service The above details must always be presented when the user needs our service work.
  • Page 14     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     1. 1.2 M 2 Main compon ain compon ents and configu ents and configu rations rations...
  • Page 15         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e         —...
  • Page 16     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e         1. 1.2. 2.2 Product descr 2 Product descr iptio iptio n n  –...
  • Page 17         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e          –...
  • Page 18     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     1.2.3 Boom .3 Boom Including main boom and jib.
  • Page 19         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     1.3 T 1.3 Techn echn ical d ical d ata...
  • Page 20     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e         1.3.2 T .2 Techni echni cal cal parameters...
  • Page 21         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     Item Item V V alue alue Remarks...
  • Page 22     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     Item Item V V alue alue Remarks Remarks...
  • Page 23         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     Rope specification and length Rope specification and length S t a n d a r d S t a n d a r d...
  • Page 24     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e Auxiliary hook parameter Auxiliary hook parameter ...
  • Page 25         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     1.3.6 Rated lifting capacity tables 1.3.6 Rated lifting capacity tables T T able able 1 1...
  • Page 26     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     T T able able 2 2 Unit: Unit: Metric Metric kg...
  • Page 27         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     T T able able 3 3 Unit: Unit: Metric...
  • Page 28     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     T T able able 4 4 Unit: Unit: Metric Metric kg...
  • Page 29         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     T T able able 5 5 Unit: Unit: Metric...
  • Page 30     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     T T able able 6 6 Unit: Unit: Metric Metric kg...
  • Page 31         es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     T T able able 7 7 Unit: Unit: Metric...
  • Page 32     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     1. 1.3.7 3.7 Liftin Liftin g height g height chart chart...
  • Page 33             es c r i p t i s c r i p t i o n o f c r a n e o n o f c r a n e     Caution Caution (1 (1) ) All the...
  • Page 34     es c r i p t i o s c r i p t i o n o f c r n o f c r a n e a n e     liftin liftin g capacity found g capacity found out in out in the rated lifting capacity table is less than 30 the rated lifting capacity table is less than 3000kg...
  • Page 35         OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 Chapter Chapter 2 2 Safety fety...
  • Page 36    ...
  • Page 37         S a f e t y S a f e t y     2.1 Sa Safety instr fety instr uctio uctio ns and safety signs ns and safety signs     2.1.1 S .1 Safety instr afety instr uctio uctio ns a) a)
  • Page 38     S a f e t y S a f e t y        /    /   g   g   r   r   :   :   n   n    i   n   n    i   e   e    i   o   o    i    h    h   g   g    i   s   s   s...
  • Page 39         S a f e t y S a f e t y     2.2 Planning c Planning c rane operation rane operation In addition to a perfectly working crane and a well-trained crew, crane operation In addition to a perfectly working crane and a well-trained crew, crane operation planning is an important principle of safe crane operation.
  • Page 40     S a f e t y S a f e t y     2. 2.3 Brea 3 Break-in instru k-in instru ction ction s s The purpose of breaking-in is to adjust and improve the adaptability to environment of The purpose of breaking-in is to adjust and improve the adaptability to environment of vehicle.
  • Page 41         S a f e t y S a f e t y     f) f) Crashing Crashing into bridges, into bridges, roofs or roofs or high volt high voltage wiri age wiring due ng due to insuf to insufficient vertic ficient vertical al clearance;...
  • Page 42     S a f e t y S a f e t y     Danger Danger ( ( 1 1 1 ) ) )   Operator should check brakes, hook block, wire rope and safety devices Operator should check brakes, hook block, wire rope and safety devices  ...
  • Page 43         S a f e t y S a f e t y     d) d) Be able Be able to safely to safely use audio use audio equipment (such equipment (such as interphone) as interphone) to send to send out oral out oral order order...
  • Page 44     S a f e t y S a f e t y     Load bearing capacity Load bearing capacity Soil type Soil type     ) ) kg/cm kg/cm      A  A Back-filled, naturally compacted ground Back-filled, naturally compacted ground Natural, clearly undisturbed ground: Natural, clearly undisturbed ground:...
  • Page 45         S a f e t y S a f e t y     inclination angle inclination angle  of the crane can not be more than 0.6°. Refer to Fig. 02 – 02.  of the crane can not be more than 0.6°. Refer to Fig. 02 – 02.  ...
  • Page 46     S a f e t y S a f e t y     h) h) All tires tires do do not not touch touch the the ground; ground;     i) i) It has It has been ensur been ensured that ed that there there are no...
  • Page 47         S a f e t y S a f e t y     Danger Danger Electromagnetic field can pose direct or indirect danger to persons, Electromagnetic field can pose direct or indirect danger to persons, equipment and obj equipment and obj ects, for exa ects, for example, e...
  • Page 48     S a f e t y S a f e t y     α α     i) i) Prohibit Prohibit lifting lifting load load buried buried in in  j)  j) The operator is not permitted to The operator is not permitted to ground or frozen on the ground;...
  • Page 49         S a f e t y S a f e t y     o) o) Stop Stop the the crane crane in in an an emergency; emergency;     p) p) Never Never adjust the adjust the brake of brake of hoist mecha hoist mechanism...
  • Page 50     S a f e t y S a f e t y         2.5 Hand signals 2.5 Hand signals Start Start b) b) Use main main winch winch         Hold the right arm stretched Hold the right arm stretched T T ap fist on ap fist on head;...
  • Page 51         S a f e t y S a f e t y     Rotate Rotate     Turn left: With right forearm vertical, the palm of the hand facing outwards, lower Turn left: With right forearm vertical, the palm of the hand facing outwards, lower the forearm sideways horizontally, fingers pointing in the direction of rotation.
  • Page 52     S a f e t y S a f e t y     i) i) Rotate Rotate slowly slowly     Turn left: With right forearm vertical, the palm of the h Turn left: With right forearm vertical, the palm of the hand facing outwards, move and facing outwards, move forearm horizontally and repeatedly, fingers pointing in the direction of rotation.
  • Page 53         S a f e t y S a f e t y     n) n) Lower Lower boom boom slowly slowly o) o) Extend Extend boom boom         Forearm extends in front of body Forearm extends in front of body Both fists in front of body with Both fists in front of body with...
  • Page 54     S a f e t y S a f e t y     r) r) Emergency Emergency stop stop s) s) End a a movement movement         Both arms extended, palms Both arms extended, palms Cross your hands in front of your Cross your hands in front of your down, move arms back and forth...
  • Page 55         中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE     Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Operation ration – crane cha – crane chassi ssi s s...
  • Page 56    ...
  • Page 57     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis             3.1 Driver’s cab 3.1 Driver’s cab 3.1.1 Overview 3.1.1 Overview     Fig. 03-01 Fig. 03-01     ( ( ) ) 1. Rotating beacon 1.
  • Page 58     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Fig. 03-02 Fig. 03-02     1. Instrument console 1. Instrument console 2. Clutch oil reservoir 2. Clutch oil reservoir 3. Steering wheel assembly 3. Steering wheel assembly 4.
  • Page 59     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis             3.1.2 Steering wheel assembly 3.1.2 Steering wheel assembly Steering wheel assembly is composed of steering wheel, steering wheel adjustment Steering wheel assembly is composed of steering wheel, steering wheel adjustment handle, left-hand and right-hand steering column switches, electric horn button and handle, left-hand and right-hand steering column switches, electric horn button and ignition starter switch.
  • Page 60     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         1     1     3     3     2   2       Fig.03-04 Fig.03-04     1) 1) Activation Activation of of turn turn signal signal (left (left / / right) right) Jog steering column switch forwards (in direction 1): turn signal (right) is Jog steering column switch forwards (in direction 1): turn signal (right) is...
  • Page 61     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis             1     1 4    4      3   3    2    2     Fig. 03 – 05 Fig. 03 – 05     1) 1) Activate Activate windshield windshield wiper ...
  • Page 62     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         4) 4) Activate Activate parking parking signal signal     Jog the switch upwards (in direction 3) to activate the left and right turn signals Jog the switch upwards (in direction 3) to activate the left and right turn signals simultaneously, thus the parking signal is given.
  • Page 63     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         1. Tachometer 1. Tachometer 2. Coolant temperature gauge 2. Coolant temperature gauge 3. Odometer 3. Odometer 4. Axle pressure indicator 4. Axle pressure indicator 5. Engine oil pressure gauge 5.
  • Page 64     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         without engine running. without engine running. g) g) Axle Axle pressure pressure indicator  indicator      The two pointers resp. display The two pointers resp. display the air pressure of air reservoirs the air pressure of air reservoirs for front axles and intermediate /...
  • Page 65     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Control Control light light Vehicle Vehicle direction direction of of travel travel left left Warning Warning light light Brake Brake pressure pressure too too low Warning Warning light light...
  • Page 66     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Warning Warning light light Charging Charging Warning Warning light light     monitoring monitoring     Engine coolant temperature Engine coolant temperature Illuminates: Illuminates: too high too high Ignition starter switch is in ON Ignition starter switch is in ON...
  • Page 67     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         condition. condition. Extinguishes: Extinguishes: Engine starts. Engine starts. Caution Caution If the warning light If the warning light illuminate illuminates d s d uring uring engine engine running, the engine oil running, the engine oil...
  • Page 68     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Illuminates: Illuminates: The PTO is activated. The PTO is activated. The transversal / longitudinal The transversal / longitudinal differential lock switch is differential lock switch is switched on and the switched on and the transversal differential is...
  • Page 69     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         above 15 km/h. above 15 km/h. Note Note If the ve If the vehicle is not equip hicle is not equip ped with emergency steering with emergency steering system, system, the control light w...
  • Page 70     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         3.1.7 Foot pedal (L): Clutch 3.1.7 Foot pedal (L): Clutch     Depress the clutch pedal to disengage the clutch. Depress the clutch pedal to disengage the clutch. 3.1.8 Center console 3.1.8 Center console  ...
  • Page 71     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis             Media Media player  player  Fig. 03 – 09 Fig. 03 – 09 Display Display Rotary Rotary switch switch for for volume volume and and functions functions adjustment adjustment...
  • Page 72     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         M U U T T         Button Button     Button Button     High-frequency scan (receive) / High-frequency scan (receive) / Low-frequency scan (receive) / Low-frequency scan (receive) / Skip next...
  • Page 73     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Note Note Turn the ignition starter switch to "ACC" when using the player without Turn the ignition starter switch to "ACC" when using the player without  ...
  • Page 74     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Switche Switches and w s and w arning lights arning lights    Fig. 03 – 10 Fig. 03 – 10 Button Button Engine Engine off Button Button Longitudinal...
  • Page 75     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Button Button Engine Engine off  off      Button Button     Keep it pressed f Keep it pressed f or 2 – 3 or 2 – 3 Longitudinal and transversal Longitudinal and transversal seconds:...
  • Page 76 03 19 03 19     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         diagnosis diagnosis     Pressed and Pressed and relea released: sed: The “Warning light – engine The “Warning light – engine error code displayed”...
  • Page 77 03 20 03 20     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         warning is not available, warning is not available, system system therefore the light always therefore the light always Illuminates: Illuminates: extinguishes. extinguishes.
  • Page 78 03 21 03 21     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         The interior illumination is located The interior illumination is located at the roof of the driver's cab, at the roof of the driver's cab, including small lamp &...
  • Page 79 03 22 03 22     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         c) c) Open Open the the door door from from inside inside     Pull the inside door switch Pull the inside door switch upwards and hold the handle to upwards and hold the handle to push the door outwards.
  • Page 80 03-23 03-23     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         This crane is equipped with This crane is equipped with suspension seats, which can be suspension seats, which can be adjusted to suit any driver height adjusted to suit any driver height or size before setting off.
  • Page 81 03-24 03-24     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Pull the sun visor downwards to shut out the sunlight. Pull the sun visor downwards to shut out the sunlight. Push the sun visor upwards to roll it up. Push the sun visor upwards to roll it up.
  • Page 82 03-25 03-25     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         g) g) Check the c Check the control light ontrol light of air of air filter. filter. If it If it is red, is red, clean or clean or replace the filter replace the filter cartridge;...
  • Page 83 03-26 03-26     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         depress the engine control pedal softly and turn the ignition starter switch depress the engine control pedal softly and turn the ignition starter switch to position S to start the engine.
  • Page 84 03-27 03-27     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         a) a) Depress the Depress the service service brake pedal brake pedal slightly to slightly to decelerate the decelerate the vehicle, at vehicle, at the same the same time, shift down the transmission to gear 1;...
  • Page 85 03-28 03-28     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Fig. 03 – 12 Fig. 03 – 12     b) b) Shifting Shifting gears gears 1) 1) T T o avoid o avoid excessive and excessive and unnecessary cl unnecessary clutch wear utch wear, always...
  • Page 86 03-29 03-29     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         8) 8) Inspect the Inspect the lubricating grease lubricating grease level of level of transmission transmission after s after stopping the topping the vehicle for several minutes.
  • Page 87 03-30 03-30     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         a) a) The steering The steering wheel can wheel can not be kept not be kept in its in its limit position limit position for more for more than 5 seconds.
  • Page 88 03-31 03-31     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         Caution Caution If rapid brake is us If rapid brake is us ed frequently, the a ed frequently, the abrasion brasion of tir of tir e, brake e, brake drum drum and...
  • Page 89 03-32 03-32     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         several times to eliminate the water on the braking shoe so as to ensure the several times to eliminate the water on the braking shoe so as to ensure the brake performance;...
  • Page 90 03-33 03-33     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         c) c) Shift Shift the the range range selector selector into into neutral neutral position; position;     d) d) Release the Release the clutch pedal clutch pedal slowly slowly, and , and then the...
  • Page 91 03-34 03-34     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis             3.4 Points for attention during operation 3.4 Points for attention during operation     3.4.1 .1 Points for attention d Points for attention d urin urin g drivin g drivin g g a) a)
  • Page 92 03-35 03-35     Opera Operation tion – crane chassis – crane chassis         3. 3.4. 4.2 Off-road dr 2 Off-road dr iving iving When it is difficult for the vehicle When it is difficult for the vehicle to drive in off-road condition or to drive in off-road condition or it falls into a quagmire, it falls into a quagmire, the following measures should be taken:...
  • Page 93 03-36 03-36         OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 Chapter pter 4 4 Operation ration – – crane crane sup superstru erstru ctur ctur e e...
  • Page 94    ...
  • Page 95     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure             4.1 Operator’s cab 4.1 Operator’s cab 4.1. 4.1.1 Overvi 1 Overvi ew 1 1 1 1 Fig. 04 – 01 Fig. 04 – 01  ...
  • Page 96 04 - 1 04 - 1     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure             4. 4.1.2 1.2 Instrument c Instrument c onso onso le le Fig. 04 – 02 Fig. 04 – 02 Pilot Pilot pressure pressure gauge...
  • Page 97 04-2 04-2     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 03 Fig. 04 – 03 Control Control light light Power Power source source th th Warning arning light light The 5 5  outrigger pressure too high  outrigger pressure too high Warning...
  • Page 98 04 - 3 04 - 3     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Control Control light light Power Power source source Warning Warning light light         th th Illuminates: Illuminates: The 5 The 5  outrigger pressure too...
  • Page 99 04-4 04-4     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Switch Switch Set-up Set-up     The switch can only be activated The switch can only be activated during assembling attachments or during assembling attachments or maintenance.
  • Page 100 04 - 5 04 - 5     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         main boom or rooster sheave and no rated lifting capacity provided (when the main boom or rooster sheave and no rated lifting capacity provided (when the crane changeovers from on-road driving mode crane changeovers from on-road driving mode to operating mode or vice versa), to operating mode or vice versa),...
  • Page 101 04-6 04-6     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         ⑥ ⑥     The The rated rated lifting lifting capacities capacities are are provided; provided; ⑦ ⑦     The The “Jib” “Jib” working working condition condition exits exits from...
  • Page 102 04 - 7 04 - 7     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         12 Switch 12 Switch 13 Switch Switch Pre-selection Pre-selection of of     telescope / auxiliary winch telescope / auxiliary winch  ...
  • Page 103 04-8 04-8     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         The swit swit ch woul ch woul d be invalid when one of the a d be invalid when one of the above prerequisites is no bove prerequisites is no t t met.
  • Page 104 04 - 9 04 - 9     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Superstructure control system is energized. Superstructure control system is energized. Position II: Position II: Standby. Standby. Positio Positio n III n III: : Engine starts.
  • Page 105 04-10 04-10     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Free swing button Free swing button Free swing button Free swing button Left joystick Left joystick Right joystick Right joystick Deadman Deadman switch switch Left control Left control Right...
  • Page 106 04 - 11 04 - 11     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         an icon "bypassing hoist up" an icon "bypassing hoist up" moment limiter. moment limiter.     will be displayed on load will be displayed on load The switch is deactivated The switch is deactivated...
  • Page 107 04-12 04-12     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Warning Warning  Ac  Ac ti ti vat vat e th e th e d e deadm eadm an s an s wi wi tc tc h t h t o o o o bt btain ain th th e su...
  • Page 108 04 - 13 04 - 13     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         4. 4.2 Computer sy 2 Computer sy stem stem The load moment limiter is a computer system for controlling and monitoring mobile The load moment limiter is a computer system for controlling and monitoring mobile cranes.
  • Page 109 04-14 04-14     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         4. 4.2. 2.5 Byp 5 Bypassing “ assing “ hoist down” hoist down” working condition working condition The following icon is displayed in load moment limiter during bypassing “hoist down” The following icon is displayed in load moment limiter during bypassing “hoist down”...
  • Page 110 04 - 15 04 - 15     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         4. 4.3 Sta 3 Starting rting up t up t he crane he crane 4. 4.3. 3.1 Checks before startin 1 Checks before startin g up g up Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before starting up:...
  • Page 111 04-16 04-16     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         If the fuel tank has been run dry, always deaerate the whole fuel system If the fuel tank has been run dry, always deaerate the whole fuel system before adding fuel.
  • Page 112 04 - 17 04 - 17     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         2) 2) The transmission transmission is is in in the the required required position. position. If the switch “Emergency off” is activated in an emergency, turn the switch If the switch “Emergency off”...
  • Page 113 04-18 04-18     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         rope pulley. When the distance detected between the hook block and the pulley is less rope pulley. When the distance detected between the hook block and the pulley is less than the safety one, the hoisting limit switch is triggered and the dangerous crane than the safety one, the hoisting limit switch is triggered and the dangerous crane movements “Spool up winches”, “Derrick main boom down”...
  • Page 114 04 - 19 04 - 19     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 10 Fig. 04 – 10     b) b) When the When the rooster sheave rooster sheave is used, is used, dismantle the dismantle the hoisting limit hoisting limit switch on...
  • Page 115 04-20 04-20     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         In this case, the acoustic sound will be sent In this case, the acoustic sound will be sent out and only the crane movement “Spool up out and only the crane movement “Spool up winches”...
  • Page 116 04 - 21 04 - 21     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure             th th The 5 5  ou  ou trigger overpressure wa trigger overpressure warning rning system system In order to prevent the vehicle front from bending and deformation caused by In order to prevent the vehicle front from bending and deformation caused by th th th th...
  • Page 117 reeling off oil circuit in main / auxiliary winch: 1 reeling off oil circuit in main / auxiliary winch: 10 – 12 MPa; 0 – 12 MPa; 04-22 04-22     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure    ...
  • Page 118 g) g) Remain Remain the com the communication munication between the between the operator operator and the and the rigger. rigger.     04 - 23 04 - 23     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure    ...
  • Page 119 b) b) Control Control lever 1: lever 1: extend or extend or retract the retract the horizontal or horizontal or vertical vertical cylinder; cylinder;     04-24 04-24     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure      ...
  • Page 120 04 - 25 04 - 25     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure             2 2     4 4     5 5         Fig. 04 – 15 Fig.
  • Page 121 04-26 04-26     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         4 4 3 3 6 6  5  5     Fig. 04 – 16 Fig. 04 – 16     Warning Warning T T he m he ma a rks “...
  • Page 122 04 - 27 04 - 27     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         th th 2) 2) Move Move lever lever 1 1 downwards downwards until until the the 5 5  outrigger is 5 – 10 mm away from  outrigger is 5 –...
  • Page 123 04-28 04-28     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         th th a) a) How to to retract retract the the 5 5  outrigger:  outrigger:     1) 1) Move Move lever lever 2 2 downwards; downwards;...
  • Page 124 04 - 29 04 - 29     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 22 Fig. 04 – 22     d) d) Secure the Secure the pins for pins for sliding sliding beam after beam after outriggers are outriggers are fully r...
  • Page 125     (2 (2) ) Outrigger pads Outrigger pads shou shou ld be ld be installed be installed before outrigg fore outrigg ers ers are are operated; operated; 04-30 04-30     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure  ...
  • Page 126 04 - 31 04 - 31     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04-25 Fig. 04-25     Warning Warning (1) Derricking operation should be carried out stably. Jerky operation is (1) Derricking operation should be carried out stably. Jerky operation is prohibited! prohibited! (2 (2) ) The...
  • Page 127 04-32 04-32     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Boom retraction Boom retraction Basic Basic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic Telescopic rope I rope I boom boom boom section 1 boom section 1  ...
  • Page 128 movement movement T T elescope boom out elescope boom out is cut o is cut o ff. R ff. Reel off the wire rope a eel off the wire rope a littl littl e if e if 04 - 33 04 - 33  ...
  • Page 129 If the main boom length is L2 m, the rated lifting capacity is W2 kg. If the main boom length is L2 m, the rated lifting capacity is W2 kg. 04-34 04-34     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure  ...
  • Page 130 04 - 35 04 - 35     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 29 Fig. 04 – 29         RATED LIFTING CAPACITY TABLE RATED LIFTING CAPACITY TABLE M a i n b o o m M a i n b o o m Outriggers completely extended, over side and over...
  • Page 131 direction ① ①   (forwards)     Deflect Deflect the the joystick joystick in in direction   (forwards)   04-36 04-36     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Results: Results:  –  – Main winch reels off and the load is lowered.
  • Page 132 04 - 37 04 - 37     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04-33 Fig. 04-33     b) b) Left Left joystick: joystick: Spooling up / reeling off the auxiliary winch is controlled b Spooling up / reeling off the auxiliary winch is controlled by the left joystick.
  • Page 133 04-38 04-38     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 35 Fig. 04 – 35     Return the joysticks to the neutral positions slowly and then the hoisting Return the joysticks to the neutral positions slowly and then the hoisting mechanism stops mechanism stops working immediately.
  • Page 134 suspended in the air for a moment. Do not lift the load until the suspended in the air for a moment. Do not lift the load until the 04 - 39 04 - 39     Operation – crane superstructure Operation –...
  • Page 135 Speed of crane movement “Slewing” can be controlled by the deflection of the left Speed of crane movement “Slewing” can be controlled by the deflection of the left 04-40 04-40     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure  ...
  • Page 136     before slewing operation; before slewing operation; 04 - 41 04 - 41     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure             (5 (5) ) Ensure there Ensure there is enough space is enough space for the crane for the crane slewing operation slewing operation ;...
  • Page 137 d. Right joystick: d. Right joystick: 04-42 04-42     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instruct rating instruct ions ions movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right Right joystick...
  • Page 138 telescoping mechanism telescoping mechanism 04 - 43 04 - 43     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instructio rating instructio ns movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right...
  • Page 139 04-44 04-44     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instruct rating instruct ions ions movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right Right joystick joystick ④...
  • Page 140 down; down; 04 - 45 04 - 45         Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instructio rating instructio ns movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right...
  • Page 141 between any two between any two 04-46 04-46     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instruct rating instruct ions ions movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right Right joystick...
  • Page 142 initiate relevant initiate relevant 04 - 47 04 - 47     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Illustration Illustration Simultaneous Simultaneous Ser. Ser. crane crane Operating instructio rating instructio ns movements movements Left Left joystick joystick Right...
  • Page 143 See Fig. 04 – 38 See Fig. 04 – 38     04-48 04-48     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Ensure that the following preconditions are fulfilled: Ensure that the following preconditions are fulfilled:  –...
  • Page 144 04 - 49 04 - 49     Operation – crane superstructure Operation – crane superstructure         Fig. 04 – 40 Fig. 04 – 40    ...
  • Page 145 04-50 04-50         中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE Chapter pter 5 5 Equipment Equipment    ...
  • Page 146    ...
  • Page 147     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     5.1 Sa Safety techn fety techn ical gui ical gui delines delines a) a) The hoist The hoist rope must rope must be reeved be reeved between the r between the rope pulley...
  • Page 148 05-1 05-1     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     5.2 Jib 5.2 Jib 5.2.1 General 5.2.1 General Jib is one of the important components of truck crane. It is auxiliary equipment used to Jib is one of the important components of truck crane.
  • Page 149 05-2 05-2     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     Inserted pin I Inserted pin I Inserted pin I Inserted pin I Fig. 05-02-01 Fig. 05-02-01     Pin hole II Pin hole II  ...
  • Page 150 05-3 05-3     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     Fig. 05-03 Fig. 05-03     f) f) Derrick Derrick up the up the boom about boom about 60°, and 60°, and then telescope then telescope out the...
  • Page 151 about 120 , slowly telescope out the main boom till the jib bracket is lifted. See about 120 , slowly telescope out the main boom till the jib bracket is lifted. See Fig.05-05; Fig.05-05;     05-4 05-4     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t  ...
  • Page 152     speed; speed;  b)  b)     Change Change offset offset to to 17° 17° or or 30°: 30°:     05-5 05-5     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t  ...
  • Page 153 Fig.05-07 Fig.05-07     05-6 05-6     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     5.2.4 Dismantling 5.2.4 Dismantling  After jib operation, dismantle the jib in the reverse steps of assembly  After jib operation, dismantle the jib in the reverse steps of assembly.
  • Page 154 05-7 05-7     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     Fig.05-09 Fig.05-09     Caution Caution Unde Under the jib r the jib working working condition, connect the cable bundle betwee condition, connect the cable bundle between the hois n the hois ting ting...
  • Page 155 05-8 05-8     E q u i p m e n t E q u i p m e n t     Connecting pin Connecting pin     Securing pin Securing pin         Rooster sheave Rooster sheave Fig.05-10 Fig.05-10  ...
  • Page 156 05-9 05-9...
  • Page 157         中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 ZOOMLION ® OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRUCK CRANE ZOOMLION ® OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRUCK CRANE Chapter pter 6 6 Addi Addi tion tional al equipment equipment...
  • Page 158    ...
  • Page 159      A  A     6. 6.1 Air conditioning 1 Air conditioning in driver's cab in driver's cab 6.1.1 Ope .1 Operating rating methods methods The control panel is on the center console in the driver’s cab. The control panel is on the center console in the driver’s cab. Fig.
  • Page 160 06 - 1 06 - 1      A  A     1 1 ) ) )   T T emperature adjustment emperature adjustment button button   Pressed: set the temperature Pressed: set the temperature 2 2 ) ) )   Fan speed button Fan speed button  ...
  • Page 161 7 7 ) ) )   Defrosting air supply button Defrosting air supply button   Pressed: enter defrosting mode. Pressed: enter defrosting mode. 06 - 2 06 - 2      A  A     8 8 ) ) )    ...
  • Page 162 06 - 3 06 - 3      A  A     6. 6.2 Air conditionin 2 Air conditionin g in g in opera operator's cab tor's cab In order to provide a comfortable operating environment for the operator, operator’s cab In order to provide a comfortable operating environment for the operator, operator’s cab of our crane can be equipped with an air conditioning and heater according to of our crane can be equipped with an air conditioning and heater according to...
  • Page 163 06 - 4 06 - 4      A  A         Fig. 06 – 03 Fig. 06 – 03     – – Operating methods Operating methods When the air conditioning is turned on, turn the fan speed switch to the “HIGH” position When the air conditioning is turned on, turn the fan speed switch to the “HIGH”...
  • Page 164 ( ( 5 5 5 ) ) )     The brand and type of newly-added refrigerant should be the same as that The brand and type of newly-added refrigerant should be the same as that used in th used in th e system when the refrigerant is added or changed. e system when the refrigerant is added or changed.
  • Page 165 06 - 6 06 - 6      A  A     6.2.2 Hea 6.2.2 Heater The heater control panel is on the housing of air conditioning interior machine in The heater control panel is on the housing of air conditioning interior machine in operator’s cab.
  • Page 166     06 - 7 06 - 7      A  A     For the selection of the antifreeze fluid, please refer to the following table. For the selection of the antifreeze fluid, please refer to the following table.  ...
  • Page 167 06 - 8 06 - 8      A  A         – – Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Probl Probl em Cause Cause Remedy Remedy speed speed switch switch No warm air No warm air Turn on fan speed switch on the Turn on fan speed switch on the conditioning conditioning...
  • Page 168 can not output can not output signals. signals. 06 - 9 06 - 9      A  A     Probl Probl em Cause Cause Remedy Remedy When the relay When the relay of motor is of motor is electrified, it electrified, it The relay relay or or control...
  • Page 169 06 - 10 06 - 10         OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE     中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 C C ha hapt pte e r r 7 7...
  • Page 170    ...
  • Page 171 The products and after-sale service team of ZOOMLION are The products and after-sale service team of ZOOMLION are most reliable for you! most reliable for you! ZOOMLION truck crane, with advanced technology, can work all the time under tough ZOOMLION truck crane, with advanced technology, can work all the time under tough environment and harsh conditions.
  • Page 172 07-1 07-1         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 173 07-2 07-2     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 174 1) 1) Drain Drain out out the the hydraulic hydraulic oil; oil; 2) 2) Remove Remove the the master master oil oil return return pipe; pipe; 07-3 07-3         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 175 If the oil level has dropped below the minimum mark, top up the oil tank until the oil If the oil level has dropped below the minimum mark, top up the oil tank until the oil level is between the minimum and maximum marks. level is between the minimum and maximum marks.
  • Page 176 Fig. 07 – 02 Fig. 07 – 02 07-5 07-5         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 177 Warning Warning When driving When driving the crane within the crane within the first the first 20 2000 – 00 – 50 5000 km, 00 km, lubri lubri cating oi cating oi l of l of the new transmission should be replaced. the new transmission should be replaced.
  • Page 178 the fuel tank will make the tank freeze and rust, and thus cause engine hard to the fuel tank will make the tank freeze and rust, and thus cause engine hard to start. start. 07-7 07-7         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 179 bearing for propeller bearing for propeller 1000km 1000km grease pump grease pump grease grease shaft shaft Intermediate Intermediate 1500km 1500km Inject Inject with with ZL-2 ZL-2 lithium lithium 07-8 07-8     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 180 L-AN32 L-AN32 Clutch Clutch pedal pedal shaft shaft 5000km 5000km Drip Drip in in mechanical oil mechanical oil 07-9 07-9         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 181 07-10 07-10     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 182 grease pump grease pump grease grease 07-11 07-11         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 183 07-12 07-12     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 184 07-13 07-13         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 185 ○ ○ generator belt. generator belt.     Regularly demount the wheels and install them Regularly demount the wheels and install them ○ ○ in specified positions as shown in Fig. 07 – 06. in specified positions as shown in Fig. 07 – 06.  ...
  • Page 186 07-15 07-15         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 187 Caution Caution  Af  After ter th th e ro e ro pe i pe i s u s u sed sed fo fo r a r a per per io io d o d o f t f t im im e, i e, its ts st st ren ren gt gt h w...
  • Page 188 07-17 07-17         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 189 limita limitation un tion un til the wire til the wire rope is reeled off rope is reeled off completely. completely.    07-18 07-18     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 190 07-19 07-19         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 191 07-20 07-20     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 192     Fig. 07 – 07 Fig. 07 – 07 07-21 07-21         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 193 excessively bent; excessively bent;     e) e) Keep Keep the the wire wire rope rope in in good good lubricating lubricating status; status;     f) f) Before Before using a using a new new wire wire rope, c rope, check heck the w the wire...
  • Page 194 07-23 07-23         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 195 07-24 07-24     M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 196 seriously or it is used for 1000 hours, change it with an original new one. Replace seriously or it is used for 1000 hours, change it with an original new one. Replace the O-ring and washer if the the O-ring and washer if the filter is replaced; filter is replaced;...
  • Page 197 Fig. 07 – 11 Fig. 07 – 11     Dissolve Dissolve  washing fluid into 40  washing fluid into 40 ℃ ℃   warm water;   warm water;     2) 2) Put the Put the filter cartridges filter cartridges into washing into washing liquid for liquid for 30 minutes, 30 minutes, and wash...
  • Page 198 07-27 07-27         M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e M a i n t e n a n c e a n d s e r v i c e  ...
  • Page 199 battery can come into contact with the wire. The battery and terminals should be battery can come into contact with the wire. The battery and terminals should be cleaned with soda water or cleaned with soda water or pure water and terminals are dau pure water and terminals are daubed with Vaseline.
  • Page 200 Danger Danger No welding work is p No welding work is p ermitted on rims and wh ermitted on rims and wh ee eel disks l disks , pa , particu rticu larly repa larly repairs to irs to worn pin holes and changing disk wheel. Disk wheel with worn pin holes worn pin holes and changing disk wheel.
  • Page 201 07-30 07-30         ZOOMLION ® OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRUCK CRANE ZOOMLION ® OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRUCK CRANE 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书     Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Crane inspections Crane inspections...
  • Page 202    ...
  • Page 203         Crane inspections Crane inspections     8.1 Inspection of a new crane 8.1 Inspection of a new crane a) a) Before the Before the new crane new crane is used is used for the for the first time, first time, check the check the following items.
  • Page 204 6) 6) Check Check that that there there are are no no other other loose loose carriage carriage components. components. 7) 7) Inspect Inspect tire tire condition condition and and inflation. inflation. 08 - 1 08 - 1      ...
  • Page 205 08 - 2 08 - 2         Crane inspections Crane inspections     8.2 Re-inspections 8.2 Re-inspections 8.2.1 General 8.2.1 General This crane has been tested and commissioned at the manufacturer’s facilities prior to This crane has been tested and commissioned at the manufacturer’s facilities prior to shipment in accordance with the latest national standards.
  • Page 206 Crane inspections Crane inspections     If the inspector has any questions, they should be directed to ZOOMLION’s service If the inspector has any questions, they should be directed to ZOOMLION’s service department or other relevant departments. department or other relevant departments.
  • Page 207 08 - 4 08 - 4         Crane inspections Crane inspections     Boom Boom     Fig. 08 – 01 – 01 Fig. 08 – 01 – 01 Slewing Slewing Chassis Chassis table table frame frame  ...
  • Page 208 08 - 5 08 - 5         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Fig. 08 – 01 – 03 Fig. 08 – 01 – 03 8.3 Inspection during break-in period 8.3 Inspection during break-in period Perform the following inspections and maintenances after 200 hours of lifting operation.
  • Page 209 08 - 6 08 - 6         Crane inspections Crane inspections     8.4 Periodic crane inspections 8.4 Periodic crane inspections 8.4.1 Inspecting the rims 8.4.1 Inspecting the rims The tires, and therefore the rims, are important vehicle The tires, and therefore the rims, are important vehicle safety related components.
  • Page 210 1) 1) Check Check the the function function of of the the brake: brake: Depress the brake pedal: Friction linings contact the brake drum. Depress the brake pedal: Friction linings contact the brake drum. Release the brake pedal: Friction linings immediately return to their starting Release the brake pedal: Friction linings immediately return to their starting position.
  • Page 211 drum rotation. drum rotation. Danger Danger Replace the brake drum no later than when its inner diameter exceeds the Replace the brake drum no later than when its inner diameter exceeds the maximum permissible value. If this is not done, the brake drum can fail, maximum permissible value.
  • Page 212 Moisture, % Moisture, % > > GB/T260 GB/T260 Mechanical impurities, % Mechanical impurities, % GB/T511 GB/T511 ≥ ≥ 08 - 9 08 - 9         Crane inspections Crane inspections     ℃, ℃, Corrosion grade of copper sheet (100 Corrosion grade of copper sheet (100 3h), 3h),...
  • Page 213 7) 7) Extreme Extreme environmental environmental conditions: conditions: Extreme Extreme temperatures temperatures Corrosive Corrosive atmosphere atmosphere 08 - 10 08 - 10         Crane inspections Crane inspections     Dust Dust and and dirt dirt Caution Caution The reducers must be repaired after using for 10 years.
  • Page 214 Improper repairs; e.g., welding, hard or soft soldering is not permitted, particularly if the Improper repairs; e.g., welding, hard or soft soldering is not permitted, particularly if the Customer Service Department at ZOOMLION has not been consulted! Customer Service Department at ZOOMLION has not been consulted! 8.4.9 Inspecting the hydraulic system...
  • Page 215 Check whether all elements and pipe lines in the Check whether all elements and pipe lines in the hydraulic system are in good condition hydraulic system are in good condition from the following aspects: from the following aspects: a) a) Check whether Check whether mounting bolts mounting bolts for hydraulic...
  • Page 216 and check windshield and check windshield             ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ water-injector for function water-injector for function     and liquid level and liquid level Check each instrument Check each instrument      ...
  • Page 217 inspect fastener of starting motor for firm connection, inspect conductive wire for inspect fastener of starting motor for firm connection, inspect conductive wire for tight contact and inspect insulation of conductive wire for damage. tight contact and inspect insulation of conductive wire for damage. Clear off contamination and grease it for Clear off contamination and grease it for corrosion protection.
  • Page 218 c) c) The inspection The inspection of loweri of lowering limi ng limit sw t switch can itch can be carr be carried out ied out as follows as follows: :  –  – T T elescope out the boom to its maximum length; elescope out the boom to its maximum length;...
  • Page 219 08 - 16 08 - 16         Crane inspections Crane inspections     8.5 Inspection interval 8.5 Inspection interval Components of the vehicle (including diesel engine) will wear in different grades during Components of the vehicle (including diesel engine) will wear in different grades during operation.
  • Page 220     ○ ○     fuel tank fuel tank         Change coolant Change coolant ○ ○ Check tightening state of Check tightening state of     ○ ○     radiator cover  radiator cover       ...
  • Page 221 Check control system of Check control system of         transmission for transmission for ○ ○ ○ ○     vibration vibration Check connecting parts Check connecting parts         ○ ○ ○ ○ of propeller shaft for of propeller shaft for 08 - 18 08 - 18...
  • Page 222 abrasion, metal sheet, abrasion, metal sheet, ○ ○     stone and foreign stone and foreign     matters) matters)     Check tire rotation Check tire rotation ○ ○ 08 - 19 08 - 19         Crane inspections Crane inspections  ...
  • Page 223     ○ ○     abrasion abrasion Check performance of Check performance of parking brake and parking brake and             ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ control reliability of control reliability of     parking brake hand lever ...
  • Page 224 Check horn, air Check horn, air conditioning, heater and conditioning, heater and             ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ defroster for their defroster for their     functions functions Check wiper, windshield Check wiper, windshield  ...
  • Page 225 08 - 22 08 - 22         Crane inspections Crane inspections         8.5.2 Inspection interval - superstructure 8.5.2 Inspection interval - superstructure     I n s p e c t i o n i n t e r v a l I n s p e c t i o n i n t e r v a l  ...
  • Page 226     damage damage Check locking Check locking plate bolts of pivot plate bolts of pivot         pin of derricking pin of derricking ○ ○ ○ ○ cylinder for proper cylinder for proper     seating seating 08 - 23 08 - 23  ...
  • Page 227 state (pulsation, state (pulsation, noise and working noise and working         ○ ○ ○ ○ sequence) of sequence) of telescopic telescopic     cylinder  cylinder          Check telescopic Check telescopic ○ ○ ○ ○ 08 - 24 08 - 24  ...
  • Page 228 Check hydraulic Check hydraulic motor housing for motor housing for         ○ ○ ○ ○ deformation and deformation and     crack crack Check hydraulic Check hydraulic         ○ ○ ○ ○ motor for noise motor for noise 08 - 25 08 - 25...
  • Page 229     and viscosity and viscosity Check hydraulic Check hydraulic pump for proper pump for proper         ○ ○ ○ ○ seating and seating and     damage damage         Check hydraulic Check hydraulic ○...
  • Page 230 Check connecting Check connecting parts of pipelines parts of pipelines         ○ ○ ○ ○     for oil leakage for oil leakage Check pipe clamp Check pipe clamp         for proper seating for proper seating ○...
  • Page 231 Check main boom Check main boom angle indicator for angle indicator for         ○ ○ ○ ○     functional work functional work Check the 5 Check the 5             outrigger outrigger ○...
  • Page 232 08 - 29 08 - 29         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Appendix 1: Inspection checklist Appendix 1: Inspection checklist     Inspection category 1: Cra Inspection category 1: Crane documents ne documents Component Component inspected inspected Comments...
  • Page 233 08 - 30 08 - 30         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Inspection category 3: Driver’s cab Inspection category 3: Driver’s cab Component Component inspected inspected Comments Comments Doors Doors Windows (curtain) Windows (curtain) Windshield wipers Windshield wipers Outside mirrors...
  • Page 234 08 - 31 08 - 31         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Inspection category 4: Engine and its peripheral system Inspection category 4: Engine and its peripheral system Component Component inspected inspected Comments Comments Engine Engine Suspension...
  • Page 235 Inspection criteria: Inspection criteria:  A: in good condition  A: in good condition B: to be repaired / replaced B: to be repaired / replaced C: repaired repaired / / replaced replaced D: to to be be re-inspected re-inspected 08 - 32 08 - 32  ...
  • Page 236 08 - 33 08 - 33         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Inspection category 8: Chassis - electrical system Inspection category 8: Chassis - electrical system Component Component inspected inspected Comments Comments Motors Motors Generators Generators Battery...
  • Page 237 08 - 34 08 - 34         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Inspection category 9: Superstructure Inspection category 9: Superstructure Component Component inspected inspected Comments Comments Telescopic boom Telescopic boom Slewing table Slewing table Counterweights Counterweights Counterweight operating...
  • Page 238 Inspection criteria: Inspection criteria:  A: in good condition  A: in good condition B: to be repaired / replaced B: to be repaired / replaced C: repaired repaired / / replaced replaced D: to to be be re-inspected re-inspected 08 - 35 08 - 35  ...
  • Page 239 Inspection criteria: Inspection criteria:  A: in good condition  A: in good condition B: to be repaired / replaced B: to be repaired / replaced C: repaired repaired / / replaced replaced D: to to be be re-inspected re-inspected 08 - 36 08 - 36  ...
  • Page 240 08 - 37 08 - 37         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Inspection category 15: Superstructure - hand-hold and protection devices Inspection category 15: Superstructure - hand-hold and protection devices Component Component inspected inspected Comments Comments Grab handles and...
  • Page 241 08 - 38 08 - 38         Crane inspections Crane inspections         Appendix 2: Tightening torque of mounting bolts Appendix 2: Tightening torque of mounting bolts Strength grade Strength grade     GB/T3098.1-2000 GB/T3098.1-2000 )...
  • Page 242 1008 1008 1418 1418 08 - 39 08 - 39...
  • Page 243         OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书             Chapter Chapter 9 9 Diagnostics Diagnostics...
  • Page 244    ...
  • Page 245     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.1 Diagnosis and troubleshooting 9.1 Diagnosis and troubleshooting If failures occur during crane operation, carry out a thorough checks and anal If failures occur during crane operation, carry out a thorough checks and analysis to find ysis to find out the causes, and remedy them.
  • Page 246 09 - 1 09 - 1     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.1 C .1 Clut lut ch Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy...
  • Page 247 causing it is causing it is lining or add lining or add The new friction lining is over-thick or the front The new friction lining is over-thick or the front difficult to difficult to and rear driven discs are mounted at wrong and rear driven discs are mounted at wrong metal shim in metal shim in...
  • Page 248 09 - 3 09 - 3     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.2 Transmission 9.2.2 Transmission Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy Remedy The input shaft of transmission and the guide...
  • Page 249     shift gears. shift gears. Breakage of the shell, excessively large Breakage of the shell, excessively large tightening torque for locking screw on the tightening torque for locking screw on the Replace and Replace and gearshift shaft, causes fork shaft bending and fork gearshift shaft, causes fork shaft bending and fork tighten to required tighten to required...
  • Page 250      Abnormal noise  Abnormal noise It is caused by “gears matching” It is caused by “gears matching” error error. Roaring sound . Roaring sound will be heard will be heard Roaring Roaring when “gears matching” of the when “gears matching” of the Check and adjust Check and adjust  ...
  • Page 251 Single-H valve of transmission is completely Single-H valve of transmission is completely damaged by collision (no matter whether the damaged by collision (no matter whether the Replace single-H Replace single-H valve valve appearance is damaged or not) appearance is damaged or not) One of the gears One of the gears Rectify two sides...
  • Page 252 09 - 7 09 - 7     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.3 Propeller shaft 9.2.3 Propeller shaft Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy...
  • Page 253 09 - 8 09 - 8     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2. 9.2.4 Intermediat 4 Intermediat e and rear axles e and rear axles Problem Problem...
  • Page 254 09 - 9 09 - 9     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.5 Steering system 9.2.5 Steering system Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy...
  • Page 255  Air enters in.  Air enters in. parts for parts for tightness. tightness. Floating brass bush of steering pump is blocked Floating brass bush of steering pump is blocked Steering is Steering is and does not contact with wheel end-face tightly and does not contact with wheel end-face tightly Rectify oil pump.
  • Page 256 Loosen the Loosen the Free clearance Free clearance locking nuts in the locking nuts in the of steering wheel of steering wheel side cover of side cover of Drive pair in steering gear wear ma Drive pair in steering gear wear makes large kes large  ...
  • Page 257 Oil leakage occurs in connecting parts of oil Oil leakage occurs in connecting parts of oil pipe pipe Check the leaking Check the leaking fitting. fitting. point. point. Oil leakage Oil leakage occurs in occurs in Oil viscosity viscosity too too low.
  • Page 258 09 - 13 09 - 13     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.6 Brake syst .6 Brake syst em Problem Problem Causes Causes...
  • Page 259 09 - 14 09 - 14     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.7 Electrical system 9.2.7 Electrical system Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy...
  • Page 260 temperature too temperature too T T emperature emperature sensor sensor defects. defects. Replace Replace     high” lights up. high” lights up. Conducting Conducting wire wire defects. defects. Rectify Rectify Check engine Check engine Engine oil pressure is lower than the minimum Engine oil pressure is lower than the minimum Warning light Warning light...
  • Page 261 Engine control is Engine control is PTO signal signal switch switch damaged. damaged. Replace Replace     invalid. invalid. Engine Engine ECU ECU defects. defects. Rectify Rectify or or replace replace C C o o n n d d u u c c t t i i n n g g w w i i r r e e d d e e f f e e c c t t s s . . R R e e c c t t i i f f y y 09 - 16 09 - 16...
  • Page 262 09 - 17 09 - 17     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.2.9 Tires 9.2.9 Tires Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy Remedy  Adjust the tie rod of...
  • Page 263     axles seriously axles seriously axles in locking mode for a long time. axles in locking mode for a long time. during normal during normal     wear  wear  driving. driving. Transversal or longitudinal differential lock is Transversal or longitudinal differential lock is Rectify Rectify, or , or replace...
  • Page 264 09 - 19 09 - 19     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.3 Superstructure, troubleshooting 9.3 Superstructure, troubleshooting 9.3.1 Electrical system 9.3.1 Electrical system Probl Probl em...
  • Page 265 Fuse Fuse burnt burnt out. out. Rectify Rectify and and replace replace Buzzer does not Buzzer does not Relay Relay defects. defects. Replace Replace     work. work. Conducting Conducting wire wire defects. defects. Rectify Rectify Buzzer Buzzer defects. defects. Replace Replace 09 - 20...
  • Page 266 09 - 21 09 - 21     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9. 9.3. 3.2 Hydraulic 2 Hydraulic pump pump Probl Probl em Causes...
  • Page 267 09 - 22 09 - 22     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.3.3 Outrigger 9.3.3 Outrigger Probl Probl em Causes Causes Remedy Remedy...
  • Page 268 09 - 23 09 - 23     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9. 9.3.4 S 3.4 Slewing lewing mechanism mechanism Problem Problem Causes...
  • Page 269 09 - 24 09 - 24     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.3.5 De .5 Derrick rrick ing ing mechanism mechanism Problem Problem...
  • Page 270 09 - 25 09 - 25     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.3.6 Telescoping mechanism 9.3.6 Telescoping mechanism Problem Problem Causes Causes Remedy...
  • Page 271 09 - 26 09 - 26     D i a g n o s t i c s D i a g n o s t i c s     9.3.7 H .7 Hoisti oisti ng m ng m echanism echanism Problem Problem...
  • Page 272 09 - 27 09 - 27...
  • Page 273         中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 中联 汽车起重机使用说明书 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ZOOMLION ® TRUCK CRANE Chapter pter 10 10 T T ranspor ranspor tation tation and and sto storage rage    ...
  • Page 274    ...
  • Page 275         ransportatio ransportatio n and storage n and storage     10.1 T 1 Transportation ransportation and poin and poin ts for attention ts for attention The crane can be driven by its power or be transported by train or other carriers for a The crane can be driven by its power or be transported by train or other carriers for a long distance.
  • Page 276 10 - 1 10 - 1         Transportation and storage Transportation and storage     10.2 .2 The The storage condi storage condi tion tion s and the points for attentio s and the points for attentio n in stor n in stor age If the crane remains idle for a long time, the following protective measures should be If the crane remains idle for a long time, the following protective measures should be...