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Instruction manual Type 3AD8 remote control unit (RCU) DNP3 protocol instructions Installation operation maintenance IC1000-F320-A200-X-4A00 Answers for infrastructure and cities.
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50 volts or purchased. Siemens reserves the right to make changes in the more, and shall, at a minimum, be additionally trained in all of the...
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Remote control unit warranty contained in the contract between SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens Universal time coordinated Industry, Inc. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the...
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The purpose of the remote control unit instructions (RCU) is to provide remote SCADA system These operating instructions apply for the access to monitor and control Siemens Siemens RCU. Fusesavers installed on power lines. The The purpose of this instruction manual is to...
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Siemens has been obtained. Changes to any part of the Remote Control Unit or its accessories, that are carried out by the user or others, and not previously agreed by Siemens, will void the warranty of the whole product.
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DNP3 points and controls Contiguous DNP3 indices Point mapping A DNP3 integrity poll will return all DNP3 RCU database digital and analog inputs can points that have been mapped to the RCU be configured to suit the SCADA master internal database and that have been needs in a number of ways: assigned to class 0, 1, 2 or 3.
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Point mapping example 1 This is a typical DNP3 mapping for the RCU analog input points to reduce bandwidth requirements by excluding some points and keeping the DNP3 indices contiguous so that an integrity poll will return DNP3 indexes 0 to 13 in a single message. The points in grey are not mapped and cannot be read.
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Digital input point implementation DNP3 device attributes Digital points are DNP3 binary inputs (object Device attributes (object group 0) come group 1) and binary input events (object from the RCU database string points defined group 2). in the RCU operating instructions (IC1000-F320-A198-X-XXXX).
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Controls Supported control options Controls are provided for all the control The following options are supported for the points listed in the RCU operating RCU and Fusesaver controls. instructions (IC1000-F320-A198-X-XXXX) as No controls can be cancelled when running. shown in the supported control options Table 4.
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Control response codes Available response codes are given in Table 5, which shows which codes are supported and where appropriate details the RCU internal database response code utilized. Otherwise the response code is as per the DNP3 specification in IEEE Std. 1815-2012. Where the table shows that the response code is not supported, it means that this code is never returned to the master station.
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2. Siemens creates the utility specific RCU held in a configuration template file that configuration file and returns it to the Siemens will set up according to the user user. requirements defined in their RCU 3. Using the RCU Connect utility, the user...
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Table 6: Radio power supply settings Radio power supply settings Name Range/choice Unit Default Description/comment Sets the power source for the radio or modem. Radio/modem power Off - no power supply. supply Battery Battery - power supply from the battery via a relay. Controlled supply Controlled supply - a voltage controlled supply is provided.
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Table 8: SCADA operation settings SCADA operation settings Name Range/choice Unit Default Description/comment Serial SCADA protocol type Serial DNP3 Select this option for serial DNP3. DNP3 There are several fault flags in the database (e.g., DPID 20, 21, 22 which indicate a cleared fault has occurred on the line).
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Table 10: DNP3 configuration DNP3 configuration Name Range/choice Unit Default Description/comment DNP3 RCU DNP3 address. This will normally be set on a per-site RCU data link address 0-65,519 address basis. DNP3 Master station DNP3 address. This will normally be Master data link address 0-65,519 address constant for a utility.
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RCU internal database and controls RCU data This section details the data and controls available in the RCU internal database. In addition to the data from the Fusesaver, the RCU itself generates status points in the Fusesaver data database, such as door open or battery end Status data of life.
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Table 11: Database qualifiers Database qualifiers Item Item Description This qualifier indicates if a point has meaning for this site. When supported, this qualifier will be set: True when the data point is configured to be active. False when the data point is configured to be inactive (i.e., that phase is not configured) and therefore Online unable to obtain valid data.
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Digital point description Analog point description The list below defines the digital-input The list below defines the analog-input points in the RCU. points in the RCU. Digital points are identified by Digital_Point Analog points are identified by Analog_Point IDentity or D_PID. Identity or A_PID.
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Request not accepted because remote switch is off. IN_SESSION Request not accepted because a Siemens Connect session is in progress and has control of the Fusesaver. LEVER_DOWN Request not accepted because the a Fusesaver external lever is in the down position.
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Protection mode bits Protection mode bits A Fusesaver can be in one of five protection DPID State Functionality in Fusesaver modes. Refer Fusesaver operations manual Protection tripping inhibited (IC1000-F320-X170-X-XXXX). Protection OFF 119, 120, 121 Clear Will trip on protection Controlling the protection in the Fusesaver Auto-reclose inhibited Auto-reclose OFF 125, 126, 127...
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Event time tag: RCU time Data qualifiers: Override, restart. State: Set when the RCU is unable to access Fusesavers due to a Siemens Connect user on site having established an operating session with the Fusesavers. In this case, the RCU can report data but cannot make controls or Fusesaver unaccessible retrieve events.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers State: Set on start-up and periodically every 24 hours thereafter. Cleared when RCU - Need time time updated by SCADA protocol. Source: Remote control unit (RCU) Events: No events generated for this point. States: Time OK/need time On restart: Volatile - state set on restart.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers State: Set when Fusesaver is in closed state. Cleared when Fusesaver is open (tripped) state. This status data comes from the Fusesaver live-data stream. Fusesaver - Closed Events: Set event generated for Fusesaver auto-close event or manual-close Source: Fusesaver event.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers State: Set when an auto-close event has been generated by the Fusesaver. Fusesaver - Automatic close Cleared by Fusesaver entering the open state or operator trip event, protection trip event, three-phase lockout event, or backfeed block trip event. Source: Fusesaver Events: Set event generated when auto-close event has been generated by the States: ‒/automatic close occurred...
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers State: This is a dummy point controlled by the Fusesaver dummy control (C_PID 7) and is used for test purposes. The point is set and cleared by the Fusesaver dummy control on all configured phases. The control is received by the remote Fusesaver - Dummy point control unit (RCU) and relayed to the Fusesavers.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers Fusesaver - In force protection mode - State: Set when Fusesaver in force protection mode is set to fast single. Cleared fast single when Fusesaver in force protection mode is set to normal, normal single, fast or Source: Fusesaver off.
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Fusesavers are disabled. Remote controls are disabled if RCU - Remote control enabled the remote control switch is off, if any Fusesaver has its lever down, if Siemens Connect is in session with any Fusesaver or if the RCU is updating new time to Source: RCU the Fusesavers.
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Fusesaver control panel controls are allowed if Fusesaver external levers and the RCU switch are in the correct position, the Fusesavers are not being controlled Source: RCU by Siemens Connect and the RCU is not in the process of updated the Fusesaver States: Fusesaver control panel line time.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers Fusesaver - Remote protection bit - State: Set when Fusesaver remote protection bit instantaneous mode is set. instantaneous Cleared when Fusesaver remote protection bit instantaneous is cleared. This Source: Fusesaver status data comes from the Fusesaver live-data stream. States: ‒/remote protection bit Events: Events generated by change of state above.
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RCU database digital points list D_PID Phase Name/states/source Status/events/restart/qualifiers State: Set when Fusesaver forced protection arming is on due to a control from an remote control unit (RCU). Cleared when Fusesaver forced protection arming Fusesaver - Remote forced protection has been turned off by a control from an RCU or when the forced protection armed arming time-out has elapsed.
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Analog points Table 16: RCU database analog points list RCU database analog points list Name/source/engineering units/ A_PID Phase Value/events/restart/qualifiers resolution/time tag RCU - Battery life remaining Source: Remote control unit (RCU) Value: Battery life remaining in days until it needs to be replaced. Engineering unit: Days Events and deadbands: Deadband of 1 day.
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RCU database analog points list Name/source/engineering units/ A_PID Phase Value/events/restart/qualifiers resolution/time tag Line - RMS current Source: Fusesaver Value: Last line current reported by the Fusesaver. Engineering unit: A rms Events and deadbands: Deadbands can be configured. Range: 0-204.7 A rms On restart: Point is set to 0.
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RCU database analog points list Name/source/engineering units/ A_PID Phase Value/events/restart/qualifiers resolution/time tag Value: When D_PID 138 is clear (primary test mode is out) the value is incremental for the relevant phase when any of the following events are received from the Fusesaver: Protection trip Primary operations count Three-phase lockout trip...
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On restart: String valid on restart (non-volatile). Maximum length: 64 characters Data qualifiers: None. Description: A non-configurable string containing the product name and model. In this case, remote control unit 3AD8. RCU product name and model Events: No events generated. Source: RCU On restart: String valid on restart (non-volatile).
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Controls Table 18: RCU database controls RCU database controls C_PID Name/target/control type/controls Description Clear protocol counters Target: Remote control unit (RCU) This control will reset all protocol counters in the RCU to 0. Control type: Unary control Controls: Clear counters Trip command will issue a trip command to all the Fusesavers (all phases) on the line but only if communications are normal to each and every Fusesaver.
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RCU database controls C_PID Name/target/control type/controls Description RCU clear flags Target: Line (Fusesaver all phases) This control clears the protection flags in the RCU (remote control unit). Control type: Unary control Controls: Clear flags This control issues commands to all phases to set their remote protection mode to normal Set protection mode - Normal but only if communications are normal to each and every Fusesaver and no Fusesaver has Target: Line (Fusesaver all phases)
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RCU database controls C_PID Name/target/control type/controls Description This control issues commands to all phases to set/clear their no-reclose protection off bit Set/clear no reclose protection bit but only if communications are normal to each and every Fusesaver and no Fusesaver has Target: Line (Fusesaver all phases) its external lever down.
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