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Linear Power PA-2 AudioPath Enhancer Operation & Installation Manual page 2


Your purchase of the LINEAR POWER™ PA-2
is a major step towards creating
the ultimate audiophile system for your vehicle. Before installing your new PA-2
the preamp must be properly configured for your system. The PA-2
configuration is changed by moving 'shunts' inside the preamp chassis like those
used for computers. Remove the top cover of the preamp and locate the 'shunts'
near the RCA jacks and above the "LP" logo on the circuit board.
The PA-2
is shipped from the factory configured for two audio source input with
front/rear fader control patched internally. The sample system shown in Figure
1a allows front/rear fader control without affecting the main output level sent to
your subwoofer amplifier. The signal from the main output is sent to the fader
control in this configuration. See Figure 1B for the internal shunt settings.
For systems using an external crossover such as the LINEAR POWER™ X0-2
(Figure 2a), the PA-2
can be configured for externally patched fader capability
to prevent the subwoofer level from being affected by the front/rear fader control.
The signal from the second input on the PA-2
is sent to the fader control in this
configuration. See Figure 2b for the internal shunt settings.
For the maximum in-dash control and optimum sound quality in your system, the
can be used with the LINEAR POWER™ X0-3
crossover. Patch the
signal from the main output on the PA-2
to the X0-3
crossover, (Figure 3a),
and use the three level controls on the X0-3
mounted in-dash to balance the
signal levels in your system. The fader circuitry is completely disconnected from
the audio path in this system to prevent any circuit loading from the unused fader
control that may affect sound quality. See Figure 3b for the internal shunt
Diagrams start on the following 3 pages.
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LINEAR POWER™ is a trademark of Linear Power, Inc.



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