Hyundai DVBT421U Instruction Manual page 60

Digital terrestrial television receiver
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Numeric 4: Delete. To delete one channel from the channel list, press Numeric 4 button
followed by answering the question "Are you sure to save?" Choose Yes to delete the high-
lighted TV channel, and choose No to cancel.
Numeric 5: Rename. Select one channel and press this button to bring up a keyboard window
for renaming the channel. Use the direction buttons to move the highlight and select whatever
is preferred for this operation.
◄/►(Group): When there are favorite channels preset, press either button to open the favo-
rite channel list sorted into Group 1-8. Press ► button to shift to next group in an ascending
order, while press ◄ button to shift to a preceding group in a contrary order. When it is the
final favorite group in either order, one more press of ◄/► button will leave the favorite chan-
nel list for ordinary TV channel list window. As for favorite TV channels, user can edit them
with Numeric 1 button, the same way as described above on editing a TV channel. User can
also find a favorite channel with Numeric 2 button (detailed instructions will follow below);
press ◄/► button to shift groups or return to ordinary TV channel list and Exit button to exit.
EXIT: Exit. Press this button to cancel current menu operation any time and leave for the
upper-level menu or the Main Menu.
Numeric 2 (Find) button: Search for a particular channel by inputting the correct channel
name. Press Numeric 2 button to pop up a small soft keyboard which is designed for entering
the right channel name of the target channel you want to search for. When the channel name
is entered completely and correctly, click OK key on the soft keyboard to confirm. In no time,
the receive find the right channel and play it.
Numeric 3 (Sort) button: Sort the channel in five orders: Default, Name (A-Z), Name (Z-A),
FTA and Lock. Press Numeric 3 button to bring up the Sort menu after answering Yes to qu-
estion " Are you sure to save?". Use ▲/▼ button to select any order type among the five.
Default : The TV channels will be sorted in a default order on the list;
Name (A-Z): The TV channels will be sorted in the alphabetic order from A to Z according to
their names;
Name(Z-A): The TV channels will be sorted in the alphabetic order from Z to A according to
their names;
FTA: Sort the free channels together;
Lock: Sort the locked channel together at the end of the list.
Note: The order of channels relates to the LCN function of the receiver which will be explai-
ned later.
Numeric 4 (Move) button: Move a channel to an preferred position on the list.
Select a channel on the list, and press Numeric 4 button, then the target channel is marked
with the "Move" symbol. Use ▲/▼ button to move the channel up or down to any position.
Finally press OK button to confirm the movement and answer Yes to save the change.
◄/►(Group) button: Access, shift or leave favorite groups or the favorite channel list if availa-
ble at the moment. Concerning the operation method, refer to related instruction above.
EXIT button: Cancel current menu operation any time and leave for the upper-level menu or
the Main Menu.
EN - 60


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