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Pressure System - Nugsmasher NS022219 Owner's Manual


Plate Pressure:
Plate Pressure:
The applied plate pressure is determined by the extracted material's
surface area (bag, size and quantity) and the applied pressure to
the extraction (Screen PSI Reading)

pressure System

Surface Area Key
NugSmasher® extraction bags, our bags are recommended or optimal yield and
clean quality rosin. NugSmasher® extraction bags are specifically designed to work
with the weight of fresh cured flower together with our extraction machines and are
labeled accordingly at: 3.5g, 7g and 14g this assumes the bags are loaded (BTS)
or bottle/barrel-tech style (upright so that you end up with the round coin like puck
once fully pressed).
This perfected method allows you the ability to put the proper eight of flower into the
bag and get a consistent extraction very time. The reason for this is that it allows for
the proper pounds per square inch, pressure (PSI) on your product and eliminates
the guess work.
3.5g = 1.5" Diameter = 1.77" in surface area
7g = 2"-2.2"Diameter= 3.14" in surface area
14g=2.4"-2.7"Diameter= 4.91" in surface area.
We prefer to use 160 micron for fresh flower, as flower dries we go down in micron
screen size (for dry flower use 90 micron).
NOTE: As the micron gets smaller the diameter get slightly larger. Example: 90 micron is about
5% larger at the end of your extraction.
HF Pressure:
HF Pressure:
HF pressure (psi) is measured from the hydraulic rams fluid
pressure. This is the applied pressure and should be adjusted to the
surface area to achieve optimum results.
Version 2.0

