ABB devices Pos : 13 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/U mwel t (--> Fü r alle D okumente <--)/Hinweis e/Hi nweis - U mwelt - ABB El ektr ogeräte @ 19\mod_1323162745839_15.doc x @ 110867 @ @ 1 All packaging materials and devices from ABB bear the markings and test seals for proper disposal.
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ABB-Welcome ABB products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic and electrical devices and the REACH ordinance. (EU-Directive 2002/96/EG WEEE and 2002/95/EG RoHS) (EU-REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EG) No.1907/2006) — 4 —...
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ABB-Welcome Functions 4.3" Color display Comunication button 2A When a call is coming, press this button to activate the communication within 30 seconds and press it again to end the call. 2B In standby mode, press this button to enter the communication menu.
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ABB-Welcome (default function). 6B In standby mode, hold this button for 3 seconds to send SOS alarm to the guard unit. If LED flashes slowy, it means success; and if flashes rapidly, it means failure. 6C *Programmable button for additional functions, e.g. call to guard unit, intercom..
ABB-Welcome Pos : 33 /DinA4 - Anl eitungen Onli ne/Ueberschriften/3./Stumm s chalten @ 20\mod_1323263607142_15.doc x @ 111951 @ 3 @ 1 Pos : 66 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/Steuermodul e - Onli ne-D okumentation (--> F ü r all e D okumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruc h ++++++++++++ @ 9\mod_1268898668093_0.doc x @ 52149 @ @ 1 4.2.3...
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ABB-Welcome Call to guard unit CALL GUARD UNIT Call Guard Unit Fig. 5: Call to guard unit Switch actuator SWITCH ACTUATOR Actuator 1 (001) Fig. 6: Switch actuator Set the actuator list in the “system settings-switch actuator“ menu first.
ABB-Welcome Settings 4.3.1 Overview Press button to enter the system settings menu. The following functions are available: Functions Intercom settings -Set intercom lists among different apartments or within the same apartment Switch actuator -Set the actuator list in this menu...
ABB-Welcome 4.3.2 Intercom call settings Intercom 1 (001) Intercom 2 Add New Fig. 7: intercom settings menu Functions Choose the previous selection or scroll up Choose the next selection or scroll down Confirm the selection you choose or enter to edit it Return to the previous screen Add a new intercom list .
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ABB-Welcome Add a new list INTERCOM External Intercom Call Type Target Address Rename mike Save Cancel Fig. 8: Add a new intercom Functions Enter to choose the call type : -an external intercom means a call from different apartments -an internal intercom means a call within the same apartment Enter to change the target address, from 001 to 250.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.4 Program button settings PROGRAM BUTTON Button 1 Release 2nd-Lock Fig. 10: Program button settings Functions Set functions for the program button, e.g. releasing 2nd-lock, calling guard unit, intercom call, enabling the switch actuator. *2nd-lock means the lock is connected with an outdoor station (NC-NO- COM) *Only the existing intercom call list &...
ABB-Welcome 4.3.5 Auto unlock settings AUTO UNLOCK √ Auto Unlock √ Time 1 Time 2 : : : : Fig. 11: Auto unlock settings Functions Enable/disable the auto unlock function. Enable/disable the auto unlock during Time 1. Set starting time and ending time for Time 1 Enable/disable auto unlock during Time 2.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.6 OS password settings SET OS PASSWORD √ Enable Password 12345678 Enter Password (3-8 digits) Fig. 12: OS password settings Functions Enable/disable the password functions Enter the password as you wish in 3~8 digits. *only available with the keypad.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.7 Ringtone settings RING TONE Ring Tone 1 Default Outdoor Ring Tone 2 Other Outdoors Ring Tone 3 Doorbell Ring Tone 4 Others Fig. 13: Ringtone Functions Select the bell sound for the default outdoor station. Select the bell sound for other outdoor stations.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.8 Volume settings VOLUME Volume 3 Ringtone Volume √ Touchbutton Tone √ Repeated Tone Fig. 14: Volume settings Functions Set the volume of bell sound. Enable/disable the feedback tone which sounds when the touch button is pressed. The ringtone can be set fixed or cycled.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.9 **Date and time settings DATE AND TIME 2013 Date(YYYY-MM-DD) : Time Summer Time √ Fig. 15: Date and time settings Functions Set the date. Set the time. Enable/disable the summer time function. ** The function is only available in M22343-.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.10 Other settings OTHER SETTINGS Auto Full Screen √ √ Door Status Check √ Auto-snapshots √ Missed Call Fig. 16: Other settings Functions Enable/disable the auto full screen function. Enable/disable the door status check function(only available on condition that the sensor is installed with an outdoor station;...
ABB-Welcome 4.3.11 **History review HISTORY 1/63 2013-03-21 Outdoor - 1 ● 16:45 ● 2013-03-21 Outdoor - 1 16:45 ● 2013-03-21 Outdoor - 1 14:24 Outdoor -1 Fig. 17: History review Functions Up to 100 events can be recorded in the history menu.
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ABB-Welcome means missed calls Press this button to view details of this event. Two pictures are always made when a visitor rings the bell. Press this button to delete a record item ** The function is only available in M22343-.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.12 Camera List CAMERA LIST The list is disabled Outdoor1-1 Outdoor 1-2 Camera1 CAMERA LIST- Camera 1 Enable √ Front door Rename √ Visible doorbell Save Cancel Fig. 18: Camera list — 25 —...
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ABB-Welcome Functions Display the status of camera list. Only if the list is enable, user can make an surveilliance according to this list, and also user can edit each surveilliance object in the list. - Display the camera from Camera interface.
ABB-Welcome 4.3.13 Language settings LANGUAGE English Franç aise Italiano Español Português Fig. 19: Language settings 4.3.14 Information INFORMATION Flash Version: V2.07_150629 MCU Version: V2.07_150703 M/S: Master Indoor St. Add.: Default Outdoor: Fig. 20: Information of the indoor station (scanning the QR code to get the detailed instruction of the indoor station) —...
ABB-Welcome 4.3.15 Reseting factory default RESET FACTORY DEFAULT Are you sure to reset? Reset All Settings √ Clear All Data × Cancel Fig. 21: Reseting factory default Functions Reset all settings: Reset the device and restore all default configurations. The operation does not delete the programmed data and history, such as intercom lists and switch actuator lists.
ABB-Welcome Pos : 79 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/Übersc hriften (--> Fü r alle D okumente <--)/1. Ebene/M - O/Montage / Installation @ 18\mod_1302613966111_15.doc x @ 103373 @ 1 @ 1 Mounting / Installation Pos : 80 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/Sic herheit (--> Fü r alle Dokumente <--)/Warnhinweis e/Sic herheit - Ni eders pannungs- und 230 V-Leitungen @ 18 \mod_1302617821491_15.doc x @ 103465 @ @ 1...
ABB-Welcome General installation instructions • Terminate all branches of the wiring system via a connected bus device (e.g., indoor station, outdoor station, system device). • Do not install the system controller directly next to the bell transformer and other power supplies (to avoid interference).
ABB-Welcome Pos : 84 /Busc h-J aeg er (Neustr uktur)/Modul- Struktur /Online-Dokumentati on/Übersc hriften (--> Fü r alle D okumente <--)/2. Ebene/M - O/Montage @ 18\mod_1302615960458_15.doc x @ 103424 @ 2 @ 1 Mounting Pos : 85.1 /DinA4 - Anl eitungen Onli ne/Inhalt/KN X/DoorEntr y/83220-AP- xxx/M ontag e - M odul e/Montage - Montagedose -- 83220-AP- xxx @ 19\mod_1323250406848_15.doc x @ 111098 @ @ 1...
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ABB-Welcome Installation dimension The bottom of the device has screw holes for fastening on the wall according to the above dimension instructions. In addition, the bottom of the device can be fixed to the existing flush -mounted box. The dimension of the compatible flush-mounted box is shown in graphics above.
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ABB-Welcome Settings Set addresses of the preferred outdoor stations and the address of the indoor station on the jumper (see chapter " Adjusting the device "). Three types of installation: Surface-mounted Mounted on the wall Fix the bottom of the device to the wall.
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ABB-Welcome Desktop-mounted Mounted with desktop bracket Fix the bottom of the device to the desktop bracket. Latch the upper part of the device onto its bottom part : place the upper side of the device on the lock-in lugs and then press the bottom side onto the bottom part of the device until it is caught by the clamp.
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We reserve the right to at all times make technical changes as well as changes in the contents of this document without prior notice. The detailed specifications agreed to at the time of ordering apply to all orders. ABB accepts no responsibility for possible errors or incompleteness in this document.