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pagertec Smart Stack Coaster User Manual page 4

With bmtx-1000


Changing the Type of Alert on your Customer Pagers
There may be a time where it would be convenient to change the type of the alert your
Pagers use. For example, if you have a quiet function where you would like to keep noise
to a minimum, you could set your pagers to Vibrate and Flash only, forgoing the beep to
keep ambient noise down, and the evening more enjoyable for your customers.
These changes are done from your transmitter. It is also highly recommended to make
sure that all of the pagers are collected in from your floor before changing this feature, as
not to alert customers that may be waiting to be called.
To ​
p erform ​
t his ​
p rocedure, ​
the ​
a lert ​
t ype ​
y ou ​
c hanged ​
instruc- ​
t ions ​
c orrectly. ​
1. Press the second icon button on the top row of buttons on the transmitter. The icon
looks like a musical note.
2. The display will then ask for a password. Enter 9513.
3. Press the orange "Enter" key.
4. Your transmitter will now display "Set Alert Style"
5. Use the * and the # to scroll between options.
6. Press the green send button to transmit the new settings to the pagers.
At this point, all of the pagers in your system should tone with the alert that you selected.
C hanging the length of time that a pager alerts
There may be a situation where you would like to change the length of time that a Pager alerts
for. By default, the Customer Pager will tone continuously for 15 seconds but this option can be
changed. This may be needed if your pagers are not immediately returned to the charging rack
after they are paged, or if the pager is not returned back to the charger until after an
a ll ​
p agers must be in the charging base with power. ​
i t ​
t o. ​
T his ​
t one ​
w ill ​
T o ​
r eset ​
t he ​
p agers, ​
s imply ​
l et ​
y ou ​
k now ​
t hat ​
t he ​
r e-plup ​
t he ​
r acks ​
i nto ​
a nd ​
u sing
p agers ​
r eceived ​
t he
t he ​
w all.

