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Whe n a ne w mess age i s
re ceive d, it is
displ aye d on the screen and the pager will give
an ale rt t one (or vi brate, or Mute , depe ndent
on se tting). The ale rt can be stoppe d by
pre ss ing any ke y. I f it is not st oppe d, t he ale rt
wi ll
conti nue
pe riod
( as
programme d by t he Se rvice Provider). N ote:
when a ne w me ss age i s re ceive d and the
me mory i s full , t he l ast unprote cte d message
wi ll be e rase d to make room for the ne w one).
7. Powe r Manageme nt
To save powe r, the LCD screen will bl ank
aut omati call y if t he page r does not dete ct ke y
acti vit ies afte r a short pe riod ( usuall y about 10
seconds, or as set by the Service Provider).
In this powe r saving mode t he page r is sti ll
able t o re ce ive me ss ages as normal. I f a ne w



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