Audible Sound Level; Maintenance; Spare Parts - DAELIM GREEN EP TECH Operation & Maintenance Manual

Single phase & three phase pad-mount liquid compartmental transformer
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Audible Sound Level

Audible sound from transformers originates principally in the transformer core and transmits through the
dielectric fluid and/or structural supports, to the outer shell and/or other solid surface, where it radiates as
airbornesound.Insomesituations,the windingsmaybeanoisesourceunderratedloadconditions,butthis
noise is not included in this standard. The frequency spectra of the audible sound consists primarily of the
even harmonics of the power frequency; thus, for a 60 Hz power system, the audible sound spectra consists of
tones at 120 Hz, 240 Hz, 360 Hz, 480 Hz, and so on. The audible sound also contains the noise emitted by any
discrete tones at the fan blade passage frequency and its harmonics.

9. Maintenance

9.1 Spare Parts

Daelimspecializesinmanufacturingcustom transformersandmakesonly limited quantitiesof anyone
design. Replacement parts are best handled on a case-by-case basis. Should additional or replacement parts
be necessaryfor any Daelim unit, pleasecontact the factory andprovideall available nameplate data.
9.2 Routine Inspection
Routine inspection of the exterior of the unit should be performed periodically. The inspection interval should
take the environmental conditions of the site into consideration. Salty, damp or otherwise corrosive
environments will require shorter inspection intervals than dry and mild conditions.
Periodically check between theradiators (if equipped) fordebris and obstructions. Ensure that the unit is
getting adequate airflow and that brush, overgrowth or surrounding equipment is not impeding proper
airflow. If the unit is equipped with forced air cooling, manually cycle the fans using the switch in the control
paneltoensureproperoperation. Cleananydirtorbuildupawayfromthebaseandcabinetareastoprevent
premature rust and deterioration.
and rust spots. If paint damage or deterioration has occurred, touch-up or repaint the exterior of the unit as
soon as possible to prevent further degradation.Daelim uses several different painting processes depending
on the application. An inquiry to the factory, with the serial number of the unit, will determine the type and
compatibility of the touch-up paint required.
Gauges should be checked regularly for proper operation. The temperature gauge should fluctuate with load
conditionsandambienttemperaturebutshouldneverreadoverthedesign value onthenameplateplusthe
shouldnot readover90°Conthegauge). Theliquid levelgauge willalsofluctuateslightly with temperature
and loading but a steady drop may indicate a leak and should be addressed. The pressure/vacuum gauge will
vary with temperature aswell, but should never register zero for prolongperiods of time (anotherindication
of a leak).
No.4 Business Building-2707, China Central Place
Chaoyang District, Beijing-100021, China
北 京 大 林 绿 源 环 保 科 技 有 限 公 司


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