Table of Contents




The memory card is used to create a backup
copy of your controller's configuration. The
card is also useful to transfer the configura-
tion of one controller to another controller of
the same type.
The switch on the card is used to lock or to
unlock the card ( = locked,
Turn off power each time you open
the controller's enclosure. This pre-
vents accidental exposure to areas
of high voltage.
Lock Switch
To Transfer a Configuration:
1. Turn off power to the controller.
2. Open the latch and lift the controller's
3. If you are about to copy the controller's
configuration on the memory card, make
sure the card's switch is at the unlocked
4. Insert the card in the J2 connector located
on the electronic board inside the control-
ler. The lock switch on the card must face
down as illustrated.
5. Close the cover then reapply power to the
controller. The transfer menu should be
shown on screen (if this is not the case,
simultaneously press the up and down
menu select keys for 3 seconds to display
this menu).
= unlocked).
6. Use the up and down navigation buttons
to select the proper type of transfer:
Memory Card To Controller:
To transfer the memory card's content into
the controller, select the "Mem.Card –> Ctrl".
When it is selected, simultaneously press
the up and down adjustment buttons to start
the transfer.
Mem.Card –> Ctrl
to start
Controller To Memory Card:
To save the controller's configuration into the
memory card, select the "Ctrl –> Mem. Card"
menu. Once it is selected, simultaneously
press the up and down adjustment buttons
to start the transfer.
Ctrl –> Mem.Card
to start
7. When the transfer is over, simultaneously
press and hold the up and down menu select
keys for 5 seconds to exit from the transfer
menu and then remove the memory card
from the connector as follows:
■Turn off power to the controller;
■Open the controller's cover;
■Remove the card from the connector;
■Close the cover then reapply power to
the controller.
8. Lock the card's switch
Remove the memory card from the
connector when the transfer is over!
The controller will not warn you if the transfer
is incorrect. Respect the following rules to make
sure the transfer works properly:
• Make sure the card switch is at the unlocked
position before transferring a configuration
on the card.
• Do not move or hold the card while a transfer
is ongoing.
EXPERT 2V3SA, rev. 10
if required.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents