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MAKER MADE 300X Setting Up page 12


3. Now we are ready to add our printer settings!
First, we have to add the automatic leveling
command. In the "Start G-code" box, click after the
command "G28 ;Home", hit enter on your keyboard,
and type "G29" as shown. This command must be
in the starting Gcode for the BLTouch sensor to
work properly!
Drew's Note: G29 is very important! Without it,
your nozzle will slam into the print bed on your
printer. Then only way to stop it is to turn off your
machine. This is because the BLTouch tells the
nozzle where to stop by using this command.
4. Check the "Heated Bed" box and add the proper
printing area in the settings. We can leave the other
settings in this tab the same for now. Change X, Y,
and Z to:
• X (Width): 300
• Y (Depth): 300
• Z (Height): 400
Drew's Note: The proper size and heated bed
selections are very important! Without them, your
print size in Cura will not utilize the full print size
and you will not have the option of turning on the
heated bed for printing.
This work is licensed under the creative commons Attribution
Non commercial-no Derivatives 4.0 International license.
Last Updated 12.23.2020
Version v1.1

