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Users are encouraged to use POGO's 24/7 support line by
emailing questions, concerns or issues to A POGO support team
professional will respond in short order.
Updated tutorials and helpful resources will be displayed at You must be a registered
POGO user to view these resources. Register at
serial number handy.
For any assistance that requires shipping the POGO to the
factory for repair, you will need an RMA number. Request
support at
Since the POGO Turf Pro app operates on mobile devices of
all types, sometimes, the app may freeze or not function to
specifications. In most cases, this happens once on a
particular device. It is best to completely remove the app,
download it again from the Apple App store or Google Play
store and reinstall the app. Registering and syncing to the
POGO Turf Pro cloud will allow for rapid setup on reinstall.
while having your POGO's
When contacting support, it is necessary to have the
following information available:
1) Device being used for POGO Turf Pro App (e.g. iPhone 6s,
Samsung Note 4, etc.)
2) The firmware of the operating system on your mobile or
tablet device (e.g. iOS 9.0.1, Android 5.1.1, etc., found in your
device's settings and typically under something similar to
'About Device')
3) Serial Number of your POGO having problems (e.g. 123456,
found on the front panel of the POGO or on the inspection
card in the POGO case)
4) Describe the error message or problem occurring and what
you were doing prior to this error happening (be as specific
and detailed as possible, see example message below)
Example Message: "Support, I am using an iPhone 6s with Apple
iOS 9.0 and using POGO serial number 123456. I can connect to
the POGO WiFi in my WiFi settings and I connect successfully to
the app, but when I attempt to sample, the app shuts down
suddenly. Sometimes I can make one or two samples before this
happens and other times no samples are successful."

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