Prize Unavailable Message - Bay Tek Games PRIZE HUB Hybrid Service Manual

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Prize Unavailable will show for a number of reasons:
A.) Location is actually empty of prizes.
Hangers will hold 18 prizes on the middle shelf, and 9 prizes on the top shelf.
Each hanger will only hold one prize. Once that prize is won, it will show that prize unavailable.
Capsules will hold 120 of the 2" capsules per capsule pie slice. ( 6 pie slices)
Once the pie slice is empty, it will show that prize unavailable.
Solution: If location contains prizes, and still shows that prize is unavailable, continue to suggestions below:
B.) Prize dispensing malfunction.
Capsules - Carousel will slow down, stop, pivot motor moves dispensing motor in, and dispensing motor dispenses cap-
sule. If capsule does not fall for whatever reason, the motor will time-out and carousel will go around again to try to dis-
pense that same capsule. If that capsule has tried to dispense twice and fails, it will show that prize unavailable, not
subtract tickets from guest and have him chose a different prize.
Hangers - Carousel will slow down, stop, platform motor engages toggle and drops prize. If prize does not fall for what-
ever reason, the carousel will go around again to try to dispense that same prize. If it fails again, it will show that prize
unavailable, not subtract tickets from guest and have him chose a different prize.
Solution: Refer to Troubleshooting Section to diagnosis further.
C.) Prize jam.
Capsule Unit - Capsule unit is specifically designed to resist and power-through jams.
If it shows prize unavailable and they are still capsules in unit, turn the sprocket by hand
and see if it dispenses capsule.
If not - Remove capsules and locate jammed capsule.
If it does dispense - Check capsule drop sensor and refer to Capsule Unit Troubleshooting Section
Spindle Unit - Motor will drop prize, if the prize does not fall from hook, or gets stuck in the prize chute, it will not be
seen by prize chute sensors. It will show that prize unavailable, not subtract tickets from guest and have him chose a
different prize.
Solution: Refer to Troubleshooting Section to diagnosis further.
D.) Stock Quantity is set too low.
Enter Owner Menu and go to Prize Menu.
There is a selection for "Stock Quantity" - Use for capsules only. Hangers only use 1 prize.
If this is left at zero, the game will operate fine. It will dispense prizes until empty, but not
know it's empty until the next prize is selected, and it times out.
If this is set to the exact number of capsules in each section, the Prize Hub will allow that
number to be dispensed and then show Prize Unavailable for that prize only.
E.) Motor/Sensor self test failed at power on.
At power on - The pivot motor will move and test home sensor.
If it fails, the pivot motor will continue to move and carousel will not start.
If it did move, it would cause damage to the carousel.
The pivot motor will continue to move until sensor "sees" the Prize Hub is unplugged.
Solution: Refer to Troubleshooting Section to diagnosis motor/sensor.
F.) Prize goes to unavailable as soon as you select it.
The Prize Hub Carousel is not working properly and will not attempt dispense.
- If pivot motor test fails on power on.
At power on - The pivot motor will move and test home sensor.
If it fails, capsule stepper motor will not start (it will also be very hard to turn by hand.) and all capsule prizes will be
No communication from a Capsule Unit to Main Hub Unit.
Solution: Refer to "Entire Unit not Recognized by Main Hub" in troubleshooting section.
Home Sensor


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