Troubleshooting - Orion 22760 Quick Start Manual

Air operated oil pump 15:1
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Manual 22760-62_EN_SE_1B
Trouble shooting
Possible Fault
Pump stationary, or
No or low air pressure.
runs very slowly
Faulty air motor.
Blocked air inlet filter
Ice blocking air exhaust
Foreign object jamming the
movement of the central bar.
Pump reciprocating
No oil
but not delivering
Float valve jammed (if fitted).
Foot valve inoperative.
Piston valve or seals worn out.
Oil is coming out of
Packing between air motor and
the "leakage" hole in
pump is worn out or damaged.
the outlet body
Pump is running
Packing on the lower piston
despite the outlet
assembly is worn out or damaged.
being closed
Dirt in the bottom valve or in the
lower piston assembly.
Trolig orsak
Pumpen går ej.
Ingen eller låg lufttillförsel.
Sliten eller skadad luftmotor.
Pumpen går ojämnt
Is I luftmotormekanism.
och hacker.
Pumpen rusar och
Fatet tomt.
det kommer ingen
Smuts I bottenventil eller i
Olja kommer ut
Packningen mellanluftmotor och
genom läckagehålet
pumprör skadad eller sliten.
i pumphuset.
Pumpen går trots att
Packningen på vätskekolven sliten
utloppet är stängt.
eller skadad.
Smuts eller förorening i
bottenventil eller vätskekolv.
Check the air line valve, regulator and quick coupler.
Check air motor mechanism. Check seals as required and
replace any faulty parts.
Change or clean the air inlet filter
Inspect for possibl condensate in air filter or, if the pump has
"raced", that there is no leakage in the pipe work.
As above. Check for free movement and for foreign objects in
piston valve etc.
Check oil level in drum/tank in relation to riser tube/outlet
Make sure the float valve is free to move as required.
Check spring and ball for correct operation and seating.
Check for foreign objects jammed in foot valve.
Check for foreign objects in piston valve seat. Check seals for
wear and damage.
See "Service, exchange of packings between air motor and
pump tube".
See "Service to pump mechanism".
See "Service to pump mechanism".
Kontrollera luftledningens ventil, regulator och snabbkoppling.
Se "service luftmotor".
Töm luftledningens vattenavskiljare på kondensat och vänta
några minuter före återstart så isen smälter. Om pumpen
"rusat",m kontrollera att det inte finns något läckage i
Byt oljefat.
Se "service pumprör".
Se "service luftmotor"
Se "service pumprör"
Se "service pumprör"

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