Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro VESA Mount......................10 Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Vertical Stand......................11 Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Console with DVD-RW..................12 Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro All-in-One Mount Behind the Monitor.............16 List of Compatible Monitor Models..........................21 Chapter 3: Demontáž a montáž součástí..................22 Front and Back View................................
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Nastavení propojek................................42 Systémové heslo a heslo pro nastavení........................42 Nastavení systémového hesla a hesla pro nastavení..................43 Odstranění nebo změna stávajícího hesla k systému nebo nastavení............43 Zakázání hesla k systému............................44 Chapter 5: Specifications......................45 Chapter 6: Contacting Dell......................48 Contents...
šrouby předtím, než připojíte zdroje napájení. POZNÁMKA: Před manipulací uvnitř počítače si přečtěte bezpečnostní pokyny dodané s počítačem. Další informace o vzorových bezpečnostních postupech naleznete na stránkách VÝSTRAHA: Mnohé z oprav smí provádět pouze certifikovaný servisní technik. Sami byste měli odstraňovat pouze menší...
Síťový kabel připojte tak, že jej nejprve zapojte do síťového zařízení a poté do počítače. 2. Připojte všechny telefonní a síťové kabely k počítači. 3. Připojte počítač a všechna připojená zařízení do elektrických zásuvek. 4. Zapněte počítač. 5. Podle potřeby spusťte nástroj Dell Diagnostics a ověřte, zda počítač pracuje správně. Práce na počítači...
Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Vertical Stand • Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Console with DVD-RW • Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro All-in-One Mount Behind the Monitor • List of Compatible Monitor Models Installing the Power Adapter 1. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a.
Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Dual VESA Mount Recommended Screws: Screw Type Used in M4 x L10 mm, Pan head screw Monitor Prerequisite: Install the power adapter. 1. Align the dual VESA mount behind the monitor and tighten the screws to secure the dual VESA mount to the monitor.
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3. Slide the power adapter case through the grooves at the bottom of the dual dual VESA mount to lock it. 4. Connect all the cables and antenna to the computer. Installing the Accessories...
5. Tighten the screws to secure the arm stand to the dual VESA mount. Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro VESA Mount Recommended Screws: Screw Type Used in M4 x L10 mm, Pan head screw Monitor ST4 x L13 mm, Wooden screw Wooden table Prerequisite: Install the power adapter.
Connect all the cables and install antenna to the computer. Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Vertical Stand Align the computer on the vertical stand and ensure the tab on the vertical stand fits into the groove or notch on the system.
Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro Console with DVD- Recommended Screws: Screw Type Used in ST4 x 13 mm, Wooden screw Wooden table 1. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Loosen the screws that secure the cover to the optical drive console [1].
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3. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Cut the strap of the power adapter cable [1]. b. Slide and insert the power adapter into the slot [2]. c. Route the cable through the notch to secure it [3]. 4.
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5. Route the USB cables through the cable management clip and connect them to the computer. Close the cable management clip. 6. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Prepare the wooden table by installing screws for mounting the optical drive console. b.
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7. Install the antenna to the optical drive console. 8. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Slide and insert the cover to its position [1]. b. Tighten the screws to secure the cover to the chassis [2]. Installing the Accessories...
Installing the Dell OptiPlex Micro All-in-One Mount Behind the Monitor Recommended Screws: Screw Type Used with M4 X L8 mm, pitch 0.7 mm, self-tapping PUZ plate without thread screw holes— screw Dell P,U,PU,UZ- series monitors M4 X L8 mm, pitch 0.5 mm, machine PUZ plate with thread screw holes —...
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M3 X L8 mm, pitch 0.35 mm, machine E Plate with thread screw holes— Dell screw E-series monitors U Plate — Universal monitors 1. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Remove the screws that secure the cover to the chassis [1].
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3. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Lift up the antenna cable [1]. b. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna connector on the computer [2]. 4. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a.
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5. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Route the cable through the clip [1]. b. Connect the cable to the adapter [2]. 6. Align the PUZ plate to the bottom of monitor and tighten the screws. Installing the Accessories...
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7. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Slide and lock the chassis to the PUZ plate [1]. b. Rotate the screw in clockwise direction to secure the computer [2]. c. Flip the computer along with the monitor [3]. 8.
Demontáž a montáž součástí V této části naleznete podrobné informace o postupu demontáže a montáže součástí z počítače. Témata: • Front and Back View • Removing the Cover • Installing the Cover • Removing the Processor Fan Module • Installing the Processor Fan Module •...
Installing the Cover 1. Align the cover to its original position on the computer. 2. Tighten the screw to secure the cover to the computer. 3. Follow the procedures in After Working Inside Your Computer. Removing the Processor Fan Module 1.
Installing the Processor Fan Module 1. Connect the speaker and fan cable to the connectors on the system board. 2. Place the processor fan module on the slot and slide it until it is secured. 3. Install the cover. 4. Follow the procedures in After Working Inside Your Computer.
Removing the Hard Drive 1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer. 2. Remove the cover. 3. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a. Press the securing tabs to release the hard-drive assembly [1]. b. Slide the hard-drive assembly to release it from the slot [2]. c.
4. Follow the procedures in After Working Inside Your Computer. Removing the Heatsink 1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer. 2. Remove the: cover processor fan module 3. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration: a.
Installing the PS2 and Serial Connector Board 1. Place the PS2 and serial connector board into its slot. 2. Tighten the screws that secure the PS2 and serial connector board to the base panel. 3. Connect the cable to the PS2 and serial connector board. 4.
Installing the WLAN Card 1. Align and place the WLAN card on the connector. 2. Connect the WLAN cables. 3. Place the WLAN bracket into its slot. 4. Tighten the screws to secure the WLAN card to the system board. 5.
Installing the Memory NOTE: Please use DIMM 2 slot if there is only one memory module available. 1. Align the notch on the memory-card with the tab in the system-board connector. 2. Press down on the memory module until the retention clips spring back to secure them in place. 3.
1. processor socket 2. processor fan connector 3. speaker connector 4. memory connectors ( SODIMM sockets) 5. WLAN connector 6. SATA HDD connector 7. coin-cell battery 8. PS2 and serial connector Removing the System Board 1. Follow the procedures in Before Working Inside Your Computer.
4. Perform the following steps as shown in the illustration. a. Remove the screws that secure the system board to the computer [1]. b. Slide the system board to release it from the computer [2,3]. c. Lift the system board away from the computer [4]. Installing the System Board 1.
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hard drive processor fan module cover 6. Follow the procedures in After Working Inside Your Computer. Demontáž a montáž součástí...
Sekvence spouštění umožňuje obejít pořadí spouštěcích zařízení nastavené v nástroji Nastavení systému a spouštět počítač přímo z vybraného zařízení (například optické jednotky nebo pevného disku). Během testu POST (Power-on Self Test) po zobrazení loga Dell máte k dispozici následující možnosti: ● Vstup do nastavení systému stisknutím klávesy <F2>...
Tabulka 1. Navigační klávesy (pokračování) Klávesy Navigace <Enter> Výběr hodnoty ve vybraném poli (je-li to možné) nebo přechod na odkaz v poli. Mezerník Rozbalení a sbalení rozevírací nabídky (je-li to možné). <Tab> Přechod na další specifickou oblast. POZNÁMKA: Pouze u standardního grafického prohlížeče. <Esc>...
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Table 3. System Configuration (continued) Option Description ● Enable UEFI Network Stack (disable by default) ● Disabled ● Enabled ● Enabled w/PXE- This option is enabled by default. ● Enabled w/Cloud Desktop NOTE: Depending on the computer and the devices installed, the items listed in this section may or may not appear.
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Table 3. System Configuration (continued) Option Description This option is enabled by default. Miscellaneous Devices These fields let you enable or disable various on board devices. Table 4. Video Option Description Multi-Display This option enables or disables Multi-Display. It should be enabled for Windows 7 32/64-bit only.
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Table 5. Security (continued) Option Description TPM Security This option lets you control whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) in the system is enabled and visible to the operating system. TPM Security - This option is disabled by default. NOTE: Activation, deactivation, and clear options are not affected if you load the setup program's default values.
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Table 7. Performance Option Description Multi Core Support Specifies whether the process will have one or all cores enabled. The performance of some applications will improve with the additional cores. ● All - This option is enabled by default ● 1 ●...
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Table 8. Power Management (continued) Option Description ● USB Wake Support From Standby is enabled by default. ● USB Wake Support From Hibernation is disabled by default. Wake on LAN This option allows the computer to power up from the off state when triggered by a special LAN signal.
V případě notebooků zajistěte, aby baterie byla plně nabitá a notebook byl připojen do elektrické sítě. 1. Restartujte počítač. 2. Přejděte na web 3. Zadejte servisní označení nebo kód expresní služby a klepněte na tlačítko Submit (Odeslat). Nastavení systému...
POZNÁMKA: Chcete-li najít servisní označení, klepněte na odkaz Where is my Service Tag? (Kde je moje servisní označení?) POZNÁMKA: Pokud nemůžete najít výrobní číslo, klikněte na možnost Detect My Product (Zjistit můj produkt). Pokračujte podle pokynů na obrazovce. 4. Pokud nemůžete nelézt servisní označení, klepněte na produktovou kategorii vašeho počítače. 5.
Nastavení systémového hesla a hesla pro nastavení Přiřadit nové heslo systému nebo heslo nastavení či změnit stávající heslo systému nebo heslo nastavení můžete pouze v případě, že v nastavení Password Status (Stav hesla) je vybrána možnost Unlocked (Odemčeno). Jestliže je u stavu hesla vybrána možnost Locked (Zamčeno), heslo systému nelze měnit.
Zakázání hesla k systému Mezi bezpečnostní funkce softwaru počítače patří také heslo systému a heslo nastavení. Propojka hesla umožňuje zakázat všechna aktuálně používaná hesla. POZNÁMKA: K zakázání zapomenutého hesla můžete také použít následující postup. 1. Postupujte podle pokynů v části Před manipulací uvnitř počítače. 2.
Specifications NOTE: Offerings may vary by region. For more information regarding the configuration of your computer, click Start (Start icon) > Help and Support, and then select the option to view information about your computer. Table 16. Processor Feature Specification Processor type ●...
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Table 22. Expansion Bus (continued) Feature Specification Bus speed 480 Mbps, 5 Gbps, 6Gbps, and 5 Gbps, Table 23. Cards Feature Specification WLAN card Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 (M.2) 802.11 ac Bluetooth 4.0 WiDi (Wireless Display) NOTE: For optimal performance, it is recommended to use the wireless display feature with an access point that supports 5 GHz standard.
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Table 26. Controls and Lights (continued) Feature Specification Off (no light) — The computer is not detecting a physical connection to the network. Network activity light on integrated network Yellow light — A blinking yellow light indicates that network activity adapter is present.
Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues: Go to
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