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Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From MD II serial number: 35500


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Haglof Mantax Digitech II

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents Program set. – Program Settings ....24 THE MD II ............2 MD II mode ............24 ..........3 Digitech mode ..........25 RODUCT VERVIEW 2 x dia – Cross Measure ........26 Data Terminal ..........4 Circumference ..........27 Measuring Scale “SmartScale”...
  • Page 3: The Md Ii

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV 2 ENGLISH: 19-01-08 THE MD II The MD II is a digital diameter caliper, developed and manufactured by Haglöf Sweden AB. The development focus has been to design a modern and tree diameter caliper for professional use, packed with modern technology, that offers great versatility and is user friendly yet rugged and robust.
  • Page 4: Product Overview

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1. MD II Measuring Scale 2. Data Terminal 3. Holder for Data Terminal 4. Adjustment Screw for Jaws 5. Loudspeaker 6. USB Interface and Battery Charge Contact Enter Button (mechanical) ©...
  • Page 5: Data Terminal

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DATA TERMINAL 1. LCD Display 2. IR Receiver 3. Enter key 4. Arrow keys (4 ea) 5. Loudspeaker USB Interface and Battery Charge Contact ©...
  • Page 6: Measuring Scale "Smartscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 MEASURING SCALE “SMARTSCALE” The measuring scale for MD II is called “SmartScale” and consists from the foldable jaws and the non- incremental measuring system with battery and radio. The radio uses ISM band 2.4GHz. The SmartScale is synchronized to the data terminal, and sends data to this specific terminal.
  • Page 7: The Smartscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 THE SMARTSCALE 1. Foldable jaws 2. Lock for foldable jaws 3. Attachment data terminal 4. Enter key 5. LED indicator for measuring scale battery 6.
  • Page 8: Hardware Handling

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 HARDWARE HANDLING DEMOUNTING THE DATA TERMINAL 1. Push the shackle [1] to upright position. 2. Lift the data terminal [2] straight up and angle out the down part of the terminal. MOUNTING THE DATA TERMINAL 1.
  • Page 9: Buttons

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 BUTTONS The data terminal is assembled on the movable handle. The red enter button on the handle (1) can be used to register diameters. Registering can also be done with the enter button on the terminal (2). The arrow keys (3) are used to navigate in the program and to enter data.
  • Page 10: Arrow Keys

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 ARROW KEYS The arrow keys are used to navigate in the program and to enter data. Different functions are activated when pressing two keys at the same time, see below. No Icon Key/s Description...
  • Page 11: Display Symbols

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DISPLAY SYMBOLS The graphical black/white display has 128x64 pixels and a backlit function that can be activated with quick keys. The display light will be active for approx. 30 sec’s for each key press. To turn off the light, use the same key press as when activating the function.
  • Page 12: Charging Batteries In Terminal And

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 CHARGING BATTERIES IN TERMINAL AND SCALE The MD II SmartScale and MD II data terminal have built-in rechargeable Li-Ion batteries. Fully charged, the batteries last for approx. one week of measuring work. Charge the batteries with 5V through the USB-ports and USB adapter along with a mini USB cable that can be connected to PC, USB car charger or external USB charger.
  • Page 13: Handling Smartscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 HANDLING SMARTSCALE FOLDABLE JAWS The SmartScale measuring scale has foldable jaws. To fold the jaws, move the lock forward and fold (see image). Pull the handle as far to the side as possible. The jaws are locked into each other as shown above. ADJUSTING THE ANGLE OF THE JAWS After some time of use it may be necessary to adjust the angle of the jaws.
  • Page 14: Lock On Handle

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 LOCK ON HANDLE The movable jaw on the handle can be locked when the jaws are retracted, which is is practical when transporting the MD II. To unlock, press on the small ”hump” on one of the jaw locks [1] on the underside of the caliper and move the handle to the side.
  • Page 15: Synchronization Data Terminal And Smartscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 SYNCHRONIZATION DATA TERMINAL AND SMARTSCALE For the radio to connect, the data terminal needs to be synchronized with the SmartScale. The function is available in the system menu. Note that synchronization is made on an open channel, and it is recommended not to keep other SmartScale devices in close proximity (<10m/yds.) to avoid interruption of the synchronization process.
  • Page 16: Controlling The Smartscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 CONTROLLING THE SMARTSCALE Controls of the SmartScale are made in the application, or menu SET – System Set. -TESTER and Scale. Use a calibration profile (art no 16-102-1007), or the printed scale on the SmartScale. Make sure that the diameter value featured in the display is equal to the profile measure or the printed scale.
  • Page 17: Handling Of Software

    LOCAL – Start measuring work and save data on MD II terminal. INSPECT – Inspect data saved on MD II terminal. SEND – Send file locally to the Haglof Link app. CLR – Select to delete data saved on MD II terminal.
  • Page 18: Measure And Register

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 MEASURE AND REGISTER Use the MD II to register tree species, to measure diameters with millimeter accuracy and to register measuring values for heights or lengths. Data values can be stored in the MD II memory, or transferred online via Bluetooth to external devices such as cellphones, tablets or handheld computers.
  • Page 19: Height Or Length

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 HEIGHT OR LENGTH Heights, and in current cases lengths, can be registered after the diameter of the tree is registered. 1. Register height/length by pressing ↑ up arrow key.
  • Page 20: Line - Send Wireless Data

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 LINE – SEND WIRELESS DATA LINE mode is used to send all data for tree species, diameter, and heights to device that is connected with Bluetooth®.
  • Page 21: Local - Measure And Store

    3. To abort/quit press Esc = ← left arrow and ↓ down arrow key simultaneously. You can at any point go back and continue to measure. SEND – SEND TO HAGLOF LINK With this function the user can send local stored files to a mobile application Haglof Link available for both Android and iPhone. 1. Start Haglof Link on your mobile device.
  • Page 22: Inspect - See Stored Data

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 INSPECT - SEE STORED DATA This menu allows for inspection of your stored data. Inspection can only be made on data stored in the MD II (LOCAL). •...
  • Page 23: Set - Settings

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 SET – SETTINGS Select tree species, if to cross measure, if to show circumference instead of diameter, if to show decimal, sample trees and to reach MD II system menu. Go to and press Enter •...
  • Page 24: Create Tree Species

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 CREATE TREE SPECIES The names for tree species are stored in a text file named ”SPCNAME.TXT”. Write order of appearance, number and names of the species you wish to work with. After connecting the MD II to your computer, the file can be retracted in folder DATA on the MD II.
  • Page 25: Program Set. - Program Settings

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 PROGRAM SET. – PROGRAM SETTINGS Settings for the measuring work. Go to and press Enter to go to program settings for MD II. • MD II MODE –...
  • Page 26: Digitech Mode

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DIGITECH MODE MD II mode = Inactive MD II mode = Active The MD II can be set in two different modes, MD II mode or Digitech mode. Data in the MD II and data that is transferred online are in different formats.
  • Page 27: X Dia - Cross Measure

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 2 X DIA – CROSS MEASURE 2 x DIA Cross measure = Inactive 2 x DIA Cross measure = Active Activate Cross measure to register mean value from two diameters in the MD II. The mean value from two diameters of the tree is saved.
  • Page 28: Circumference

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 CIRCUMFERENCE Circumference = Inactive Circumference = Active The MD II can be set to show circumference instead of diameter values while measuring. Circumference needs to be activated to show the circumference value in the display.
  • Page 29: Decimal - Show Decimal On Diameter

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DECIMAL – SHOW DECIMAL ON DIAMETER Decimal = Inactive Decimal = Active Activate to show decimal on measured diameter. ACTIVATE DECIMAL Decimal 1. Go to SETTINGS: SET and Program set 2.
  • Page 30: Random - Random Sample Tree

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 RANDOM – RANDOM SAMPLE TREE This function enables random selection of sample trees. Formula to select random sample trees: Q x d Q: (quota %) between 0 and 99 •...
  • Page 31: Turn Off Md Ii

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 ZZ – TURN OFF MD II Turn off the MD II. 1. Go to and press Enter to turn off. USB – SET MD II IN USB MODE Activate communication mode and terminal battery charge.
  • Page 32: System Settings Md Ii

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 SYSTEM SETTINGS MD II COMMUNICATION The MD II communicates with external devices with USB or Bluetooth® technology. Transfer data with USB cable with your file handler. No special drivers or programs are needed. When the MD II is connected with USB to the PC, the battery is also charged.
  • Page 33: Bluetooth

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 BLUETOOTH® Bluetooth® technology enables wireless communication between electronic devices on short distances (<10m) with comparably low power consumption.The MD II uses Bluetooth to transfer data. Communication settings need to be set for use.
  • Page 34: Bluetooth - Master

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 BLUETOOTH - MASTER If the PC, handheld, or Android device has a port for incoming data, the MD II can be set in Master mode. Go to SETTINGS: SET and then System set.
  • Page 35 MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 EXAMPLE WINDOWS 7 CONNECTION MD II connection to PC with Bluetooth SPP profile – example: Set Bluetooth Slave in MD II menu SET\System set.\Com Port\Bluetooth\Slave\Pair Click on the traingle (Hidden icons) in Windows’...
  • Page 36: Technical Specification

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION MD II DATA TERMINAL MEMORY: 1GB Flash File System. Non-volatile, high security. 1Mb high-speed RAM PROCESSOR: Low Power 32 bit Arm Based Processor DISPLAY: Graphical black/white, 128x64 pixels Interface LIGHT:...
  • Page 37: Martscale

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 MD II SMARTSCALE SCALE: SmartScale TM Aluminum, non-reflecting, clear digits, durable MEASURING RANGE 500mm/18” STANDARD: 600mm/24” 650mm 800mm/30” 950mm/36” 1000mm MEASURING SYSTEM: Non-incremental, sealed. WEIGHT: 500mm/18”...
  • Page 38: Ata Format

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DATA FORMAT The data format depends on which mode the MD II has been set to work with. The MD II device can be set in two different data modes, MD II mode or Digitech mode. The modes differ in terms of wireless data transfer.
  • Page 39: Nmea

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 NMEA Data is sent as a NMEA string and ends with a checksum and end of line. [CR][LF]. Tree species, diameter and height are sent as individual NMEA packets, see below. Tree species code, tree species text and diameter are sent when measuring a diameter.
  • Page 40: Md Ii Com - Android App

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 MD II COM - ANDROID APP The MD II Com App is a custom application for Android devices such as SmartPhones and tablets. Bluetooth technology is used to read data from the MD II, and data is saved in XML file format and can be shared through email, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
  • Page 41: Andling

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 HANDLING Start MD II Com by clicking the icon on your Android device. 1. In the start screen you can select to create a new list or to open existing list. 2.
  • Page 42: Points On Warranty And Service

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 SOME POINTS ON WARRANTY AND SERVICE • Warranty claims should be made to the location where the product was originally purchased. Consult your Haglöf Sweden representative for all service matters.
  • Page 43 HAGLÖF SWEDEN AB KLOCKARGATAN 8, SE-882 30 LÅNGSELE PH: +46 620 255 80. FAX: +46 620 205 81 E-MAIL: INFO@HAGLOFSWEDEN.COM HAGLOF INC., 100 SOLLEFTEA DRIVE, MS 39110 MADISON, USA PH: +1 601 856 5119, FAX: +1 601 856 9075 E-MAIL: SALES@HAGLOFINC.COM...
  • Page 44: Declaration Of Conformity

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY, COMPLIANCE STATEMENT/DÉCLARATION DE CONFORMITÉ According to EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC Type of equipment: Computer caliper Brand name or trade mark: Digitech Professional II Type designation(s)/Model no(s): Digitech Professional II Manufacturer’s name, address, telephone &...
  • Page 45: Fcc Part 15.21 Statement

    MD II Firmware: MDII 3.3 – From USER’S Manual MD II serial number: 35500 REV: 19-01-08 (2) l’appareil doit accepter toute interférence en réception, y compris les interferences causant un dysfonctionnement de l’appareil. FCC PART 15.21 STATEMENT Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

This manual is also suitable for:

Md ii

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