The blower module assembly comprises the blower, a printed circuit board (control board) mounted
on a metal plate, three front panel LEDs, a power connector, and a metal case with a handle. A view
of the end of the blower module (opposite the end with the handle) is shown in Figure 2.
The entire blower module assembly is available as a spare part. If any one of the internal parts fails
(blower, control board, or LEDs), the entire assembly must be removed and replaced.
Figure 2
Blower Module—End View
LEDs (3)
The blower module slides into the top of the Cisco 7513 chassis from the interface processor end of
the router. (See Figure 1 and Figure 3.) The blower draws air in through the inlet vents below the
chassis card cage, up through the card cage, processor modules, and other internal components,
through the blower module, and out through the exhaust vents on the front of the chassis. Figure 3
shows the airflow path.
Figure 3
Internal Air Flow—Side View
System blower
Card cage
Intake air
Power supplies
Power connector
Cisco 7513 Blower Module Assembly Replacement Instructions
Product Overview
Exhaust air
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