Ramsey Electronics TV6 Manual page 21

Television transmitter kit
Table of Contents


Finally, the FCC Rules call for the posting of printed notices on devices
intended for non-licensed operation under Part 15 Rules. You will find such
notices written up for the front or back of the instruction manual for nearly any
computer or video accessory that you have seen in recent months. Consult the
Part 15 Rules for the exact wording of such notices. Following is a text for such
a notice which responds to FCC rule making intentions:
The radio-frequency "intentional radiator" device which may be constructed
from kit parts supplied by us is intended and designed by Ramsey Electronics,
Inc. to conform to applicable provisions of Part 15 of FCC Rules. The individual
kit-builder and all users of this device assume responsibility for lawful uses
conforming to FCC Part 15 Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
[1] This device may not cause harmful interference, and
[2] this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Final comment
A well-informed person will see today's FCC Rules to be evolving and
progressively less-restrictive. Even though today's technology is far more
complex than what was possible at the time of the Communications Act of
1934, the FCC rules are becoming more relaxed, giving radio experimenters
more and more opportunities to explore many frequency bands, using many
communications modes, with no need for a formal license of any kind. A
thorough study of Part 15 of the FCC Rules, which is completely beyond the
purpose of this kit manual, will show you many legal uses of radio transmitting
devices which do not require licensing, either amateur or commercial.
To provide more personal and club radio-learning opportunities, and to cut
down on administrative costs, today's FCC permits far more non-licensed
activity than at any time in previous history. On the other hand, today's FCC
enforcement actions get bigger fines and real prison terms for scofflaws! From
CB (now 3 bands of it, for varying applications) to easy entry-level Amateur
Radio with long-term licensing, to numerous unlicensed Part 15 operations, the
FCC is beginning to look out for the interest and good plans and intentions of
private citizens and school-community groups as never before in radio
communications history. Learn the rules...observe them...and have fun in radio!
If you enjoyed this Ramsey kit, there're plenty more to choose from in our
catalog - write or call today!
TV6 • 21


Table of Contents

Table of Contents