Final Assembly; Microphone Socket; Figure 21 Mic Connector Wiring - ozQRP MDT Construction Manual

Dsb transceiver
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10 F
Before installing the board in the enclosure, carefully look for errors, such as components in the
wrong way and solder bridges between tracks. The risk of solder bridges is greatly reduced due
to the solder mask, but check anyway. A few moments spent here is cheap insurance against big
problems later on.
One of the more common problems is poor solder joints with enamel covered wire. Some types
when soldered will easily melt the enamel but most will not, so it is important to scrape the
enamel off the ends of the wires with sandpaper or a sharp knife before soldering.
The enclosure comes with two plastic panels. These are not required and can be set aside for
some other use. In this kit they are replaced with pre-cut and printed front and rear panels.
These are actually made from PCB material with a black solder mask and white silkscreen
lettering. The front panel has a white circle placed around the Tune control to allow marking
frequency steps with a pen - more on this later.
10.1 M
The kit comes with 4 lengths of hook up wire. Cut each to about 95mm long. Terminate the Mic
connector and the two plugs as shown in Figure 21. Once terminated twist the wires of each
connector together to help keep out interference. Insert the microphone socket into the front
panel and secure with the supplied washer and nut.
MDT Construction Manual – Issue 2

Figure 21 Mic connector wiring

Microphone signal
Microphone ground
PTT signal
PTT ground
Page 33


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