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Maintenance; Troubleshooting - Sealey JKIT01 Instructions

Lifting kit 2tonne 5pc


Push the two halves of the creeper together and secure with the pins, one each side.

6. Maintenance

tRolley Jack
When the jack is not in use, the ram should be in its lowest position to minimise corrosion. remove the handle to inactivate jack.
Keep the jack clean and lubricate all moving parts with acid free oil on a regular basis.
Before each use check for broken, cracked, bent, or loose parts, or any visible damage to ram, pump, saddle, lifting arm, frame and
all parts including nuts, bolts, pins and other fasteners. if any suspect item is found remove jack from service and take necessary
action to remedy the problem.
Do not use the jack if believed to have been subjected to abnormal load or shock load.
Periodically check the pump piston and the ram for signs of corrosion. clean exposed areas with a clean oiled cloth.
After one year the oil should be replaced in order to extend the life of the jack. use hydraulic jack oil only.
iMpoRtant: only fully qualified personnel should attempt hydraulic maintenance or repair.
to check the oil level, fully lower the jack. remove filler screw (fig.1.o). the correct level is the bottom of the screw hole. if oil level
is low, fill as required.
note: use a good quality jack oil, such as seAleY HYdrAulic JAcK oil.
WARNING: DO NOT use brake fluid, or any fluid other than hydraulic jack oil as this may cause serious damage to the jack and will
invalidate the warranty!
to drain the oil, remove the filler plug and raise front of jack. make sure that no dirt is allowed to enter the hydraulic system.
iMpoRtant: no ReSponSibility iS accepteD foR incoRRect uSe of thiS pRoDuct.
owing to their size and weight, hydraulic products should ideally be repaired by local service agents. We have service/repair agents
in most parts of the uK. Before returning your product please telephone our technical help line on 01284 7575505 for advice
and trouble shooting guidance.
De-commissioning the Jack - should the jack become completely unserviceable and require disposal, draw off the oil into an
approved container and dispose of the jack and the oil according to local regulations.
aXle StanDS
Before each use check to ensure stands and stand welds are not cracked, and that there are no missing and/or damaged parts.
WaRning! Any stand that appears to be damaged in any way must be removed from service immediately.
ensure the locking pin and r clip are in good order and condition.
due to the potential hazards associated with these stands, do not misuse, or make any modification to the stands or components.

7. tRoubleShooting

iMpoRtant: Maintenance oR RepaiR of the hyDRaulic SySteM MuSt only be peRfoRMeD by a QualifieD peRSon.
possible cause
Jack will not lift the load
1) overloaded.
2) oil level low.
3) release valve not correctly
4) Air in system.
5) Piston rod not functioning.
6) Packing worn or defective.
Jack does not lift high
1) oil level too high or too low
enough or fells 'spongy'.
2) Worn seals
3) Air in system
4) release valve not closed
1) Pump packing or valves
Jack lifts poorly.
2) oil is dirty
3) Air in the system
1) release valve partially open
Jack lifts but will not hold
2) dirt on valve seats
the load.
3) Air in system
4) faulty seals
Jack will not lower
1) unit requires lubrication
2) Piston rod bent or damaged
3) Jack frame/link system distorted
4) Air in system
5) release valve partially closed
6) Jack spring damaged or unhooked
Jack does not lower at
1) release valve closed.
© Jack sealey limited
due to overloading/poor positioning
Original Language Version
1) use a jack with adequate capacity.
2) top up oil.
3) check and close release valve.
4) open release valve and pump the handle a few times.
5) clean and replace oil.
6) replace packing.
1) fill or remove excess oil
2) return jack to local service agent
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times. close
valve and re-try
4) check and close release valve
1) replace packing and/or clean valves
2) replace oil
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times. close
valve and re-try
1) check and close release valve
2) lower jack, close release valve. Place foot on front wheel
and pull up lifting
arm to its full height by hand.
open the release valve to lower arm
3) open release valve and pump the handle a few times. close
valve and re-try
4) replace packing or contact local service agent
1) oil all external moving parts
2) replace rod or contact local service agent
3) replace damaged parts or contact local service agent
4) open release valve and pump the handle a few times. close
valve and re-try
5) check and fully open release valve
6) replace spring or contact local service agent
1) check and fully open release valve.
JKit01| issue 4 27/09/16

