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2.13.6 RECORD

The RECORD menu allows creating a record of a continuous spectrum sweep.
To start a new record with the currently selected sweep settings, tap NEW RECORD
(NEW RECORD button turns on continuous sweep). The filename is assigned
automatically, but it can be changed afterwards when the file is open with button
RENAME RECORD. The maximum length of a record is 30 minutes. If recording is not
manually stopped earlier either by tapping the NEW RECORD button again (thus
disabling it) or by tapping the OPEN RECORD or BACK buttons, a new consequent
record will be started automatically.
Spectrum Compact can be left at a site with NEW RECORD button active and
the created records can be examined later. While charging with the supplied
power source, Spectrum Compact can record files continuously.
NEW RECORD is not available for CUMULATIVE trace mode.
NEW RECORD is not available for MAXHOLD and MIN/MAXHOLD trace modes
(use button SHOW MIN/MAX LEVELS to see the final maximum and minimum
input power values for a NORMAL or AVERAGE 2/4/8/16 trace modes instead).
Records are sorted by the time they were created and the latest record is on top of
the list. The start time of the record and the number of frames (sweeps) recorded is
given under the filename. Navigate the records list by using the slider and the arrows.
To view a record, tap on it to select it, then tap OPEN RECORD. The displayed frame's
number and the number of frames recorded altogether is indicated under the slider.
Also the time how long before the end of the recording the displayed frame was
captured is indicated in brackets under the slider. By tapping PLAY the playback is
started from the currently displayed frame. Frame can be selected using the slider
and the arrows. The record can be played back also in FULL SCREEN mode. The
MIN/MAX LEVELS button allows seeing the highest and lowest input power levels
detected during the recording. The trace in the currently displayed frame can be saved
as a separate spectrum curve with button SAVE CURVE.
If the SHOW MIN/MAX LEVELS button is active (green), the curve saved from
the record will be a MIN/MAXHOLD curve with all 3 traces.
From the submenu MORE OPTIONS the displayed input power range and frequency
range can be adjusted (zooming in on the frequency axis could be done, if the record
was done with SPAN greater than MIN SPAN for file's RBW), and the MARKER or
POWER IN BAND can be enabled or adjusted. Also a mask can be enabled. To exit the
MORE OPTIONS submenu, tap BACK.
A record can be deleted with DELETE RECORD or from the folder "RECORDS", when
Spectrum Compact is connected to a computer.
Tapping the OPEN TIME PLOT button opens the record with a different visualization,
PLOT. To then return back to regular visualization, tap the button
If deleting a record manually from the "RECORDS" folder (when Spectrum
Compact is connected to a computer), delete also the time plot file – it has the
same filename as the record file that has extension ".RSC".


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