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2.13.1 FILES

The FILES menu allows operating with previously saved spectrum curves.
Files are sorted by the time they were created and the latest file is on top of the list.
The time when the spectrum curve was saved and its trace mode is given under the
filename. Navigate the files using the arrows or the slider. Tap on the file to select it
– the selected spectrum curve will be previewed at once. To get more options, tap
OPEN. Then the main screen with the selected file on screen is opened. From the main
screen the displayed input power range and frequency range can be adjusted
(zooming in on the frequency axis could be done, if the file was saved with SPAN
greater than MIN SPAN for file's RBW), and the MARKER or POWER IN BAND can be
enabled or adjusted. Also a mask can be enabled from the TOOLS & SETTINGS menu
SPAN, LEVEL, MARKER and POWER IN BAND menus are not available for
spectrum curves saved with CUMULATIVE trace mode.
To close the file and resume the real-time sweep, tap SWEEP CONT. To view a
different file go to FILES menu again.
A saved spectrum curve can be deleted with DELETE from the FILES menu or from
the folder "CURVES", when Spectrum Compact is connected to a computer.
To exit the FILES menu and return to the TOOLS menu, tap BACK.
Entering the FILES menu
The FILES menu


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